Sunday, January 24, 2016

Dang, It's Cold!!

We have been having some pretty cool weather at my place.  This morning it got down to 32 degrees.  Hey, that is freezing cold!!  Doesn't last long enough to hurt anything.  It is suppose to get into the upper 60's later to day, which is closer to normal.

Well, I guess you guessed I have nothing to talk about this morning, so relied on the weather.  Yes, I am really boring this morning along with being on the chilly side.  I hope I can come up with an interesting blog posting for tomorrow.

If you have read this blog this far, you must be bored, too.  Well, maybe I ain't bored, I just don't have anything to say.  So, why have I typed all the above words just to say so??  Yes, you are right, it is because I am bored, too.  Now, just because I am bored, doesn't mean you shouldn't have a very great day, you hear?


  1. Nothing wrong with being bored. We all get there sooner or later. Have a good day.

    1. Yes, but I always said I didn't get bored and didn't believe in getting bored. So maybe I wasn't bored after all, but just thought I was (grin).

  2. The weather is always a good topic.... especially when you're reading about a place that has it worse off than you ;-) My friends in Ohio write about the snow they're having and what level of danger the county warns about. I try not to whine about having to wear a sweater until about 9:30 in the mornings. Really though, 32 is pretty cold for where you live.

    1. Yes, considering that my water well and pressure tank are sitting outside. It is not suppose to freeze here or if it does it is only suppose to stay below 32 degrees for maybe an hour or two.

  3. My house is cold inside, but the sun sure is bright outside today. We are going to have a week of sunny 60F weather, and I'm delighted! I'm too bored to even think about writing a blog post.

    1. I just love to sleep at night in a cool room. Feels good to cover up.

  4. A sister-in-law lives just north of Baltimore. Her husband spent 1 1/2 hours digging his car out today, but can't go anywhere until Tuesday. They are expecting flooding after things thaw. So it is a good thing we get to be bored and maybe a little cold.

    I'm glad to not be in Ohio either. We did enjoy Odd Essays photo of jackfruit and we learned a lot about it. I found a recipe for BBQ Jackfruit but don't have any handy.

    Today is my birthday. We got up late and I also took a birthday nap. This is the end of a beautiful, restful, boring day.

    1. Well I must wish you a very, very happy birthday. My friends that live in Pennsylvania had to take a trip to Washington for some special type of health treatment. I think that they picked the wrong weekend.

  5. That why we here, the weather is amazing!

    1. If it gets cool here, it doesn't last very long. The Texas sun is quite warm, even in the winter time.
