Monday, January 25, 2016

Binary Star Systems

Look up on a clear night and you see millions of points of light.  You may think that most of these points of light are made by a star.  Well, you would be wrong.  At least four of every point of light that you see are from binary star systems.  You know, I read that this morning and had to go back and read that again.  That is very hard to believe but that is what the astronomers have predicted.

So, you may ask, what is a binary star system.  Well, a binary star system is where two stars close to each other also orbit each other.  Some of these systems have more than two stars, but then it wouldn't be called a binary (meaning two) system, would it?

Most of these systems are stable but some are not.  The picture below depicts the path of two stars swirling closer and closer and closer to each other, until they combine, probably with a big bang or a nova, and if they are huge enough, with a super nova.

two white dwarf stars orbit one another every 321 seconds

Well I learned something new today.  I have always said that a day is wasted if you don't learn something new, and let me tell you, I have wasted a lot of days (grin).  Now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Isn't Zeta Reticuli a binary star system, or have I got it wrong? That is where a lot of aliens come from :-)

    1. Yes, you have that correct. Not so sure about the alien part, though. It is 39 light years from your back door.

  2. Well, we can't travel 39 light years yet, but the inhabitants of that star system come here from what I've read and heard.

    1. If you run into one, take a picture and send it to me. If they could travel at the speed of light, it would take them almost 40 years to get here. I will not be around by the time they get here (grin).

  3. Oh my... I saw a beautiful full moon on my way to church yesterday morning (yes, it's still dark at 7am here)... and felt I saw real beauty... and now you're telling me that the stars aren't really that. What can I say? Guess I'll have to live with my (dis)illusions ;-)

  4. Oh my... I saw a beautiful full moon on my way to church yesterday morning (yes, it's still dark at 7am here)... and felt I saw real beauty... and now you're telling me that the stars aren't really that. What can I say? Guess I'll have to live with my (dis)illusions ;-)

    1. I have said many times that everything in nature and the universe is beautiful and awesome.

  5. Thanks for the Astronomy lesson - learned something new today.

    1. I love all science but astronomy is my favorite.
