Monday, December 7, 2015

Wondering About Warm Blooded Fish.

Ask any fisherman, ask Barney of the Old Fat Man Adventures, he does a lot of fishing, if fish are warm or cold blooded.  I am sure everyone will give you the same answer, they are cold blooded.  OK, I agree.  Fresh water and salt water fish are cold blooded. . . except for one, and if there is one species of warm blooded fish, couldn't there be more?

Now I am sure by now you are thinking that Dizzy slipped a cog or two or has been dizzy way too long.  But wait!!  There is a warm blooded fish.  I never knew that there was until today when I accidentally stumbled across one when I was searching the internet for something else.

I guess I have kept you in suspense long enough.  Here is a picture of a warm blooded fish, the Opah, or Moonfish:

To Give you an idea of the size of a typical Opah, here is a picture of a fellow holding one for the camera.  Not too small, is it: 

Well now you all have been mooned. . . well, it is a moonfish, right?  Before I go, I don't want you thinking that the moonfish has a temperature of 98.6 degrees of so.  No, compared to us, they are really cold, but they can manage to keep their body temperatures a degree or two or so above the water temperature where they live way deep down in the ocean.  You can go here to read more about the Opah: 
Now, have a great day, you hear?


  1. Another interesting bit of trivia, thanks DD.

    1. I would have never guessed that there was such a thing as a warm blooded fish.

  2. The main thing I know about fish is that I like to have them for dinner.

  3. I still run into adults that think dolphins and porpoise are fish!

    1. There is a fish that is named "dolphin", but I understand what you are saying.

    2. Otherwise know as mahi-mahi.

    3. I have tasted them and they are good, the dolphin fish.

  4. Thank you, Barney. I was trying to remember the actual name of the dolphin fish! I guess warm or cold blooded is relative to the temperature of the water?

    1. You know, I am not sure. Could be. Cold blooded creatures are the temperature of the air or water around them.

  5. That is so interesting - I learned something new today. It is a very pretty fish and quite large. Sure hope it tastes good.

    1. Glad you learned something. I figure the day is wasted if I don't learn something new. And of course I have wasted a lot of days.
