Saturday, December 5, 2015

Was Asked for Swamp Pictures.

Back on November 28, 2015, TROUBLEnTX requested that I put some updated pictures of my swamp on my blog.  So today, to please her, and anyone else interested in my swamp, I walked down to the northeast corner of it and took some pictures.  The swamp is about two and half feet below its highest level.  These are for you, Trouble:

And for another blogger, MsBelinda at Terlingua Dreams, who is always giving fuel prices in her area, I decided as I was filling up my Jeep Liberty this morning to snap a picture of the gasoline prices.  In case you want to know, diesel was $2.10 per gallon. 

Don't forget, you can click on the pictures to enlarge them.

OK, I hope I satisfied Trouble and now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Well, I loved the pictures, too! I love swamps... think of eqrets, herons, bullfrogs and the such. Y'all don't have alligators there, do you? As for gas... it was $1.76 here in Granbury today... for some reason it went up 20c in the last week. What the heck is going on?

    1. The swamp has all those things except no alligators. Brokers seem to control the price of gasoline, I think.

  2. Doesn't the swampy water bring a lot of mosquitos?

    1. Not this time of year, but yes it does sometimes. Depending on the fish population. . . the fish keep them in control.

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE them DD,,,TY! If i had one i would put a deer stand there so i could watch the wild life. lol, pretty good here, saw a young deer grazing in my yard yesterday, about 8;30am. If i could sit somewhere to see out my windows, i could see lots.

    1. We used to have lots of deer, even saw a bobcat. But, way too many neighbors have moved in around my property and the wildlife doesn't seem to want to go past all those homes. Because of the way I am located, I see only one of those homes.

  4. All in all, looking pretty good around the swamp. Good thing about Winter, no 'skeeters!

    1. Yes, but they didn't seem to be bad this last summer. Maybe I am getting too old and tough for them to bite me. I am so old, I don't taste good and neither does my blood (grin).

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  7. I love your swamp pictures!

    Good gasoline prices too :)
