Sunday, November 1, 2015

Wondering About Age.

Since I don't have anybody handy that is as old or older than I am, I guess that I will have to ask myself what it is like to get old.  We all go through many stages as we age.  After we are born, the major chore is getting enough to eat drink.  Then the next milestone was learning to walk, talk, and feed myself.  Do any of you remember that stage?  I sure don't. except for a few flashbacks.

As I put on a few years I started looking forward to going to school.  I suppose some didn't look forward to that, but being an only child, I was anxious to go to school and meet all those other kids.  At six years old I went off to 1st grade.  The next step was off to junior high and then the initiation into high school.  Do any of you remember being initiated?  Do they still do that?  It was a big thing in my day and I dressed up in a strange costume and had to do the bidding of the upper class students.  You then wanted to be older so you could be one of the upper class students.

Then you just couldn't wait to reach the age of 16 (in the state I grew up in) to get a drivers license.  Then came graduation from high school and off to college.  After that was a job and marriage and then a family.  After 17 years working at the same place, I moved to another state and another job.  That happened a couple of more times.  Then my age caught up with me.  My hair and beard turned snow white.  I guess you could call me . . . old.  Yes, but I am planning to kick up my heels a few more times.  Although my Dad passed at age 60, my Mom lived into her 90's and my Dad's brother lived to be a hundred.  That gives me sort of a family record to try and beat.  Not sure if I can, but the secret is to enjoy every day, every hour, every minute, and every second of every day.  Now enjoy your evening and have a great day tomorrow, you hear?


  1. At least you are still getting taller. (See my blog for tonight)

    1. Yes, I saw your blog and agree that it is a lot further down and back up as it used to be.

  2. I remember those special events... some so clearly that I feel the very same sensations... like the night before I started first grade (no kindergarten back then). It's really not getting old in years... but the aging body that I feel the most.

    1. Yep, I agree on the aging body, not the age in years. I started to school in a small old school house that had out-houses. Grades four and above got to go to the fancy new school. The boys got to shovel the snow from that path to the outhouses during the winter.

  3. I don't think "old" is a number. I still feel pretty good as I near 75, but I know I'm getting old!

    1. Now Gypsy, don't you know that after you and I got over that 70th year, it is all down hill (grin). Could almost do the rest standing on my head. . .

  4. I remember being able to reach the kitchen sink to get my own water for the first time. No idea how old I was..

    1. That was a great accomplishment for a little kid. I don't remember getting my fist drink on my own.

  5. So true we need to enjoy every day life is too short not to.

    1. Even the bad days have some good in them, if we look for it.

  6. As soon as I was 16 I got a m/c license as in England you couldn't have a car license until you were 18. I had to drive the m/c to work in downtown London.
    On my 80th. birthday, all day just about all I could say was, "I can't believe I have lived this long".
    I still feel like I did when I was 40-50, have no aches, pains, and take no meds. Still climbing ladders, sawing wood, and helping with the reconstruction of my guest house.
    Happy Trails and Tails, Penny.

    1. Penny, I am sure you will go on for ever. If any one can, you can.

  7. I don't remember too much from my younger years. However, there are days I remember something that happened when I was little and other days I can't remember what I did 30 seconds ago. It's not about the number of years you are on this planet but how your spent those years.

    1. I sure do agree with you on your statement, especially the last sentence.

  8. As we celebrate Mom's 90th, Dizzy, I realize that as she ages, so must I be, too. My grandson told his teacher he was going to get his pilot license when he was 12 (Papa told him that's when he could join CAP), and then said "That's pretty old, ya know." But, I'm happy where I am, and have no desire to go backward, just onward and be healthy enough to enjoy it.
    Come and visit with Mama - she'd love to meet you and the missus and swap stories. She'll make you feel young again!

  9. Age is a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, then it don't matter!

    Any day I can do the three "ups" I'm know, wake up, get up, and show up!

    1. I only do the first tow "ups". There are a lot of days I don't show up anywhere except in my rocking recliner.

  10. With all this pain ive been going thru, yes i feel old and hate it. Saw the pain doc this morning and she put some injections into 5 of my spine joints and wala,, they helped. She will do the same next Mon. and that will tell her what nerve to kill and if the radio frequency ablation will help me. Lots less pain now! Went from, like, a 7, down to a 3 in 4 hours.

    1. Glad you got some relief. Hope they can eliminate it all together real soon.

  11. Remember Frank Sinatra singing, "It Was A Very Good Year" ? Cue the orchestra please, "When I was 101, it was a very good year.........
    Hang around for the Grande Finally, should be interesting. I'm right behind ya!

    1. Oh I plan to stick around until my demise, grin. I have already lived 12 years longer than my Dad did, so I figure I am on borrowed time.
