Friday, October 30, 2015

Walked Up the Driveway Today.

The first thing that caught my eye were a bunch of teeny little mushrooms.  To give you an idea of their size, that is a nickel laying there among them.  Dang, the elves that live under those toadstools must be awfully short. . . (grin).  I just had to take a picture and post it here on my blog:

Then a little further on I saw some more.  You have to look carefully to see them hiding among the leaves:

Then not much further there was a stump with all kinds of thing going on.  Different kinds of fungi and some sawdust from something boring into it:

Then I got closer and took a picture of this strange looking fungus:

It just goes to prove the old saying that there is fungus among us.

This next picture is of a mushroom that is shaped like an egg:

And the last fungus picture shows a mushroom in full bloom:

Of course there were wild flowers along the driveway, also.
A yellow one:

And blue ones:

And of course a good morning glory to you:

I love the diverse and beautiful blooms of nature, whether fungus or flowers.  Hope these pictures brightened your day.  They sure did brighten my day.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Better than waking up in the driveway.

    Nice photos Dizzy!

    1. Yep, I wouldn't want to wake up laying in the driveway. If I wanted to sleep in the driveway, I would do it in the RV.

  2. Your photos certainly brightened my day! Wish I had anything along mine, but I have a very short city driveway.

    1. I would not like to have to live in a city. I was raised a country boy and even now, in my 70's, I am still a country boy. Only have 12 acres here, but try to keep it as natural as possible.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Texas has some really amazing wild plants growing all around, if we take the time to stop and look. Thanks for the pics of thise tiny mushrooms!

    1. Yep, like they say, "Take time to smell the roses".

  4. It's a good time of year to forage for edible wild mushrooms, but I wouldn't trust any of those. A pity you didn't find a large patch of chanterelles instead!

    1. When I lived in Pennsylvania, I hunted Morel Mushrooms.

  5. Hey, swamp flooded? Miss the pics.

    1. Can't see it from the house, and I ain't going to walk down there in the rain. But I bet it is getting full.

  6. You have such interesting things growing along your driveway. Must be pleasant walking out for the mail.

    1. Actually, I have a post office box at the Cut-n-Shoot Post office. But I have a trash container sitting out on the front lot that I visit most every day. My wife walks a lot and stays on the driveway, some times I join her. I joined her when I spotted the mushrooms and went back and got my camera.

  7. Ain't nature grand!!? Sure are pretty things in your driveway.
