Sunday, September 6, 2015

Son Made the Trip to New Job.

 It was a long trip from his home here in Texas to the North Shore of Alaska, but he made it.  He posted some pictures on Facebook and I am re-posting them here on my blog.

This first picture is looking down on some very rugged mountains.  Wow!!  I sure would like to explore down there, but now I am too old for an adventure like that.

The last leg of his journey was in a propeller driven plane and the weather was not too clear.  In fact, they went back out over the arctic ocean and circled and did figure eights and circled and. . . (you get the picture) until the clouds parted enough to be able to make a landing.  The airport up there is only operated under VFR (Visual Flight Rules), since there is no tower.  In fact, there isn't much of anything there.

This next picture shows a shadow on the clouds of the plane he was in.

He made it safe and sound and he took this picture from the window in his room:

The only thing missing in this picture is a big moose or a muskox.  Her is a picture of Alaskan muskoxen in their defensive formation.  This picture was taken in the 1930's.

They have been re-introduced into Alaska 

So, as you can see from this map of where the Muskox ranges are located, and that there should be some of them along the Alaskan North Slope.  Of course there are both Polar Bears and Grizzly Bears in that area, too.  It is an interesting area, for sure.  Now, think about all that crisp, cool air up there and try to stay cool.  It is going to be a week of upper 90's here in East Texas, but try and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Upper 90's here in Ontario to I kinda love it.

  2. I was always too old for those mountains,, lol. Loved those pics. Keep em coming.

    1. I know what you mean, but in my memories I look better than I was. . . (grin).

  3. Not sure about the muskoxen, but would love to see a polar bear or a grizzlie in the wild. What about kodiak bears - are there any left in Alaska? My mom had a cousin who loved to hunt in Alaska, but was mauled pretty badly by a kodiak. Darned near killed him.

    1. I don't know for sure, but why not? My son was told not to bother any bears that wonder into the work area.

  4. I don't think you're ever too old for those adventures.... okay... maybe a bit slower and more cautious... but... if that's your dream it's time to do it. I love that picture of the plane's shadow in the clouds... once I saw a totally round rainbow from a plane's window.... stuff a person never forgets.

    1. I flew to New England one night when there was a meteor shower. A beautiful site, until I realized I could see those bright streaks going a lot further down than we were flying!!

  5. Glad he made it safe. This is the opportunity for a great adventure.

    1. And a lot of hard, cold work!! But yes, it is an adventure.

  6. Nice shots from the plane. I would so love to do a trip to Alaska.

    I have never be able to copy and paste from FB to my blog, or even into my photo's

    1. It is easy to copy pictures from Facebook. First you click on the picture and that puts in in full screen mode. Then you right click on it and a pick on "copy". That works for me.
