Thursday, July 30, 2015

Wondering What Animal Kills the Most Men.

What animal has killed the most humans?  Well that is easy to answer.  In my opinion two things have caused the most human deaths;  other humans and disease.  The smartest creature, man, and the smallest creatures, germs, bacteria, and molds have been responsible for the most human deaths, hands down.

OK, so you say that is cheating, you want to know what animal kills the most people.  I would say, if you classify cold blooded creatures as animals, that snakes would be on top of the list and then would come alligators and crocodiles.  Why just back earlier this month, July 3rd, a young 28 year old fellow named Tommie Woodward was killed by an alligator here in Texas.  Despite warnings, he chose to swim in alligator invested waters, and of course, he was killed by one of them.

Above, I stated that humans cause a lot of deaths.  Back in 2013, 37,719 highway deaths occurred!!  And what about wars?  Yes, we humans are pretty good at killing off ourselves, no help needed from animals.  Of course, at one time animals ruled this earth and I am sure they will regain their reign after mankind is gone.  Only because of science and medicine has man been able to exist in this world that he has over populated and the numbers are still growing.  This does not paint a bright picture for mankind, but insects and animals will probably survive.  They made a test and found out that the cockroach was not affected by radiation. . . that means they could survive a nuclear war.  Now that I have painted such a pretty picture of our future, have a nice day, you hear?


  1. Sadly you are spot on. Killing each other seems to be one thing humans are really good at!

    1. Yep, they have had lots of practice. Male animals fight for other males over females, some animals fight each other for territory, but man fights each other over almost everything.

  2. It's a sad state of affairs, isn't it. There is way too much senseless killing (it's all senseless if you ask me), starting out with wars and terrorism, and down to vehiclular homicide.

  3. Humans are animals, right? That's my answer.

    1. Yep, that is what I said, other humans and disease are the things that kill most of us.

  4. Most animals kill only when they feel threatened or they are hungry... we humans don't even have those excuses. Pretty sad lot, we are at times.

    1. Yes we are a sorry lot, but not all and not all the time. Maybe there is hope but I still like a little meat now and then which means some animal has to be killed.

  5. Somehow your answer doesn't surprise me. Humans and diseases are the number one killer of humans. Insects can survive most anything -the mightiest of them being the cockroach. I once put a cockroach on a chest freezer for a couple of months. When I thawed it out it came back to life. One tough bug. Have a great weekend

    1. Wow, I guess someday cockroaches will rule the world.
