Saturday, July 4, 2015

Did You Ever Want a New Body?

As we get old, some of us would like to have our younger body back, but that can't be.  Now wait a minute, maybe it can.  No, not your own younger body, that would be impossible, at least for now.  I never like to say that anything is impossible, because sooner or later someone will figure out how to do it.  Now, what about a new body?

No, I am not talking about a mad scientist or some kind of scary fiction.  I mean that this guy and his doctor are planning to just that:

They live in Russia and I don't know what laws cover this sort of thing over there.  I couldn't find out where they are going to get a body but I assume that it will be someone who donated their body to science.  Now isn't this really the stuff of science fiction?  If you want to read more, here is a link to the internet site where I found this information:

OK, I am not sure if I am ready to do anything like that, anyway, the cost is way out of my ball park at eleven million dollars and 36 hours of surgery.  No, I think I will stick with this old worn out body.  At least it is mine and it has served me for over seven decades.  I can see why someone like him, with a useless body would consider such procedure.  Would you consider it?  Now, have a nice day and don't think of Frankenstein, you hear?


  1. I'd sure like some replacement parts... wait a minute... I have cataract lenses, hearing aids, capped teeth, knee cartilage scraped clean... various parts removed... maybe I'm getting closer to a different body than I thought.

    1. I, too, have had cataract lenses replaced in both eyes. What a blessing it is. I remember way back when my Mom had it done. She had to wear glasses that looked like the bottom out of Coke bottles.

  2. Does sound kind of like sci fi stuff, interesting thought though.

    1. Well we know how it turns out when they perform the procedure in 2017. I am sure it will be in the news.

  3. Creepy and cool at the same time! Wonder if it will work!

    1. I have mixed thoughts on that subject. If it works it will be a great thing for some people who's bodies have given out, but it may also lead to the premature deaths of people with young, healthy bodies.

  4. As flawed as it is, I like my old body just fine. At my age I can relax and not care too much that no one is ever going to be astounded by my beauty - it's all within!

    1. That is what I say, but they always look at me and burst out in uncontrollable laughter. . .

  5. There are days when I could use a new body. However, after all this time I have become accustomed to mine and know all its quirks. And at least I can always use my old body as an excuse not to do something. Hehe

  6. If there was an MRI involved, i'd have to skip it.

    1. Don't know and ain't going to check, either (grin).
