Monday, July 6, 2015

A Wild and a Tame Flower.

There was a long vine with a very thin stem that was wound around some trees along my driveway.  This vine had some very pretty flowers on it.  This first picture is taken from the top of the flower:

It sure has an unique shape and color.  Kind of reminds me of a purple chicken wearing a white scarf.  I turned it over and took another picture of the back of it:

That was the wild flower for today.  The last couple of pictures are flowers from my wife's garden.  Something, an animal I assume, must have wanted to smell the flowers.  Anyway, something knocked them over and broke them off at the ground, so why not bring them in the house, put them in water and enjoy them?

And looking at it at another angle:
I hope these flowers brightened up you life a little, they did ours.  Now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. Yep, flowers do seem to brighten up the day.

  2. They are both beautiful flowers, but I don't care for anything that grows on a vine - well, maybe grapes! I have some non-flowering weeds that are vines and sticky to the touch. They adhere to everything!

    1. Sometimes you have to look past the not so pretty parts to see the real beauty, same with people.

  3. Thanks for posting the flowers. You have a great imagination! I wouldn't have seen the chicken with a white scarf.

    1. You wouldn't believe what all I see in wall paper designs (grin). Yes, I guess I do have a great imagination. Thanks.

  4. Those are some beautiful flowers. And they sure brighten up my day on this rainy dreary day.

    1. Glad I could brighten up your day. Without the rain, we would not have any flowers.
