Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Bad Day at Work.

Back on my first day at a new job at a nuclear fuel and components plant, I walked into my future boss's office all tensed up and then above his desk I saw a sign like this one:

I felt relieved immediately and figured anyone who would post this sign in his office was my type of guy.  That was years ago and we have been friends ever since.  We now live almost 1500 miles apart but we still communicate to this day.

You know I am retired now but when I worked I actually liked what I was doing.  There were a few bad days, but my job was nowhere near as bad as the fellow in the following clipping:

Some people get sick when they are flying in an airplane, but what happens when an astronaut gets a real bad case of altitude and/or motion sickness or eats something that makes him sick?

No, there are no barf bags built into the space helmets.

This next picture is of a dollar bill.  Quality control must have been asleep or out to lunch when this one got through and out into circulation.  Maybe the printer operator had a rough night the night before and had a really bad hang over?

Talk about having a bad day at work:

The Odd Essay always ends her blog posting with a picture of the rear of something and then says "The End".  So, this is my "The End" picture.  Hey Odd Essay, did I do it right?  Now, you all have a great day whether at work, at home, on vacation or out in space, you hear?


  1. An engineer friend of mine called me to complain about how he had a bad day at work. As luck would have it, it was the same day I had to pull 3 bodies out of burning building. Kinda put bad at work in perspective for him.

    1. Yes, that sure does put things in perspective.

  2. Yep I think Sharon will like ending for sure.
    Almost a

  3. I see it... all of it ;-) That has to be one of the most painful "the ends" I've come across. OUCH!

    1. See, you had a bad influence on me (grin). Yes, that was a painful "the end"

  4. Those were great! Sure made my day.

    1. Thanks and I am glad I could make your day. That makes me happy.

  5. You know I am retired now but when I worked I actually liked what I was doing. There were a few bad days, but my job was nowhere near as bad as the fellow in the following clipping: pure cotton bedsheets online , bridal sets under 1000 ,
