Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A Post About Stupidity

There is a lot of stupidity in this world.  Some people are just plain stupid and others are only stupid once in awhile.  Of course doing really stupid things can shorten your life expectancy quite a bit.  We have all done stupid things, and yes, even me.  Can you believe that (grin).  But today I am not going to list all the stupid things that I have done, that would be way too long of post and would take days to write and days to read.  Here is what Einstein had to say about stupidity:

Ole George Carlin seems to have a grasp on the situation: 

This next picture looks like it was taken in the wild and that means that crocodile is not tame and that guy is feeding him a little fish.  That fish would be an appetizer and just maybe that man will be the main meal.  What do you think? 

 Now, I bet this next guy will soon get to visit his dentist:

Wow, this guy got a great haircut and mustache trim.

Now in this last picture, someone found a real safe place to store their keys so that they don't get lost and don't get separated from the lock that they are for:

I could have posted a lot more pictures but I think this is enough to prove that stupidity is alive and well in this world.  Now, I know that none of you are stupid, because you read my postings :) , and I want you to have a great day, you hear?


  1. Now don't look at me, I have never done one stupid thing in my life.
    It was always at least three stupid things.

    1. I would have to put some zeros after that number to come close to how many stupid things I have done in my life. A lot of them was when I was a teenager.

  2. The guy feeding the croc reminded me about some people I saw in FL. They were treating wild alligators like they were Disney attractions. Sometimes I weep for the species.

    1. We, who have grown up and lived our lives in the country, seem to have sense of what will harm us and what will not. Some folks, like you said, think all animals are like the Disney attractions. Then, too, there are those who are scared of anything wild.

  3. Despite your granting reasonable doubt, I must admit to executing more than an average quantity of stupid actions over time. I don't see my average improving significantly in the little bit I have left.

    1. I understand and am just like you. And no, I will not improve, but will probably get worse.

  4. My bil is in love with a woman who wishes him dead and says it all the time, she is mentally ill and he thinks he can heal her of her mental illness on ptsd disability payments monthly, yep he is batcrapcrazy tooo just like the gal he keeps company with, he only chooses women who are mentally ill or physical ill with diseases whereby they pass away after living with him for many years..He seems to think he is God and can heal them doesn't want to be alone. really? I think some people just don't know better than to get out of the rain and we live in a normal year about 200 days of rain a year not this year so I think he is just nuts himself!

    1. I hope he can find the right gal and settle down.

  5. I kinda got hung up on that spectacles and mustache guy... at least in his case his hair will grow out and he can stop making a spectacle of himself.

    1. Makes me wonder what his face looks like. Maybe the rear of his head is the best looking part (grin).

  6. I think we all have done stupid things in our life. But hopefully we learned something from it. Unfortunately I feel that people are getting dumber and doing more than their fair share of stupid things because they are bored and feel they need a challenge or they are just plain dumb.

    1. I think that we all have done stupid things, especially when we were teenagers.

  7. Not only are they stupid, but they procreate and sometimes vote ~

    1. Yes, that is really very, very scary for sure. Especially the voting part. And they seem to have a lot of kids to carry on the tradition.

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