Sunday, April 12, 2015

Wondering About The Tea Man

I heard my wife talking on the phone this morning and she mentioned the Jewel Tea Man.  Dang, that brings back a lot of memories.  My grandma always purchased a lot of stuff from them out of the truck that used to come around every couple of weeks:

Oh yes, they also had stores, too:

My mother must have bought some items, too, because I remember this "Autumn Leaf" pattern.  No, she didn't have as many as shown in this next picture, but she did have all the shapes (I especially remember the pitcher), just not this quantity:

This next picture is a close-up that shows the design:

In 1899, a fellow by the name of Frank Skiff started a door-to-door coffee delivery service called Jewel.  Why, because anything special is called a jewel.  The Jewel Tea Company as we know it today, got its beginnings in July of 1903 and went on from there.  The above design came from The Hall China Company in the 1920's and Jewel Tea sold them.

Isn't it amazing just how hearing a couple of words can trigger so many memories?!?  Memories are wonderful and should be written out so not to be lost when the person passes on.  I sure wish my grandparents had written a book of their lives.  Now, I hope you all have great memories to make sure you have a great day, you hear?


  1. I remember Jewel Tea... but it was the Omar Man who delivered bread at my Grandma's house. I don't know why he didn't stop by our house. I wonder if Omar was an Ohio thing? Now folks get frozen foods from Schwans ..... I never have but still see those yellow trucks now and then.

    1. When we used to live near Justin, TX, we had the Schwans truck stop by now and then.

    2. I bought from them too, especially the first chicken strips. Then they got too high priced.

  2. I see the Schwanns truck as well. We always had milk delivered, right up into the 1970's, and we had a driver who would bring fresh eggs from the farm. Once in a while a bread truck came around and had danish and donuts as well as loaves of bread.

    1. When I was a kid, we had milk delivered. Just think of all the services we have lost over the years.

    2. And now companies want you to shop online for their products, rather than give you any customer service. I like to visit businesses in my area so at least the local clerk is being paid rather than someone at a big distribution center.

    3. I agree that we should all shop at local owned and operated stores. Trouble is, they are getting scarce since big chains have taken over.

  3. I remember getting the milk delivered and my mom would be very careful to get the cream off the top for whipped topping. Also had the fruit and veggies, a junk man and his,horse and wagon. Also the knife sharpening man. When we stayed on the shore line in summer we had the Dugan man, breads, donuts and cakes.
    Gee Dizzy you sure did stir up memories with the post. Thx.

    1. You know, I must be getting really old, because I can remember a guy coming to my house and sharpening all the knives and I already had two kids of my own.

  4. Got numerous sets of dishes from the grocery store, one at a time. lol. Stilll use one of them, and STILL love them.

  5. O yeah, to clarify, you got coupons for so many $s spent.

    1. Nothing wrong with that, it is like collection interest on the money that you spent.
