Monday, April 13, 2015

Quail, Pups, and Wildflowers.

I have some pictures for you today.  The other night, my wife and I walked down to my son and daughter-in-law's house.  They have over thirty Flemish Giant Rabbits but this trip was to see some new comers to the farm.  Now they have their own covey of quail.  The are really pretty birds and the pictures don't do them justice:

My son made them a new pen and they seem to be feeling right at home:

This is a picture of my two oldest pups, the female (Muffy) on the right and the male (Chang Le) on the left with his head on the pillow.  Now tell me these dogs don't know how to relax!!

Today, when I was driving into my driveway after mailing off my income tax forms, I noticed these red flowers with the yellow stamens, so after I got parked, I went into the house and brought out my camera and snapped a couple of pictures:

Did you notice in the above picture that the wild flowers, which I believe are Coral Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens), are sharing their spot with some poison oak or poison ivy, which ever it is.

The picture below gives you a better idea of the size and it also shows the yellow parts a lot better.  So, do you think my identification is correct?
I love my place and all the unexpected surprises that I find, especially the pretty ones.  These flowers brought some beauty and pleasure into my life and that is why am sharing them with you.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I believe you are spot on about the Huneysuckle.. That's what it looks like to me!

    Pretty quail...!

    1. That is what I found when I did a search for it. Yes, the quail are pretty.

  2. I like the sound of "covey of quail". It has a nice ring to it.

    1. I like the ring to it, too, but I don't think you call them a covey when they are in cages. Not sure, though.

  3. Hey, Dizzy - I am in the market for some rabbit fur to replace the old on hubby's Santa suit. Does your son butcher his rabbits? I'd like to maybe get in touch with him if you can set it up ...
    And I just read your "Jewel Tea" segment. Yeah, I remember him, and the Adam's flavorings, like vanilla. Did those come from the Jewel man? I know we got lots of every-day things from him ...
    Enjoy this crazy Texas weather - storms giving way to bright sunshine; works for me!

    1. He has not butchered any rabbits. They are show rabbits. He does selective breeding and different breeders will share their bucks for breeding purposes.

  4. Those look like pharaoh quail. I raised some years ago. Those suckers start laying at 6 weeks old and before you know it you will have hundreds of them.

    1. I don't know what they are, I will ask him the next time we talk. I know that they have told me before, but I got old timer's disease and CRS. The only quail I know the names of are Bob White Quail.

    2. They are also called Pharaoh Coturnix Quail .
