Thursday, March 19, 2015

Wondering and Searching for Blog Material.

I was wondering what to write about today and came up with nothing, so the next step was to search the Internet for some ideas.  I found a few possible things but then I landed on and came up with a few ideas.  This one got my attention, but instead of trying to put it in my own words, I am just going to copy and paste it below to save some time and effort.  So, here it is:

Struck by lightning record seven times
US Park Ranger Roy C. Sullivan from Virginia holds the record for the person most times struck by lightning - and living to tell the tale. Between 1942 and 1983, Roy has the dubious distinction of being struck by lightning seven times. He was known as the Human Lightning Rod.

The first lightning strike in 1942 happened as he was working up in a lookout tower and the lighting bolt shot through his leg and knocked his big toenail off.

In 1969 while he was driving along a mountain road a second strike burned off his eyebrows and knocked him unconscious. Another strike just a year later, while he was walking across his yard to get the mail, left his shoulder seared.  
He was standing in the office at the ranger station in 1972 when lightning set his hair on fire and Roy had to throw a bucket of water over his head to cool off. A year later, after his hair had grown back, a lightning bolt ripped through his hat and hit him on the head, setting his hair on fire again. It threw him out of his truck, knocked his left shoe off and seared his legs. A sixth strike hit him in 1976 while he was checking on a campsite, injuring his ankle. 

The last lightning bolt to hit Roy in 1977 happened while he was fishing. It sent him to hospital with chest and stomach burns. 

Roy Sullivan was never killed by lighting - he committed suicide while in his 70's in 1983 reportedly distraught over the loss of a woman.

OK, it is raining a little here, but no lightning.  You all be careful when those strong thunder and lightning storms move in over your heads and make sure you are not standing anywhere near Roy Sullivan and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Someone or something was trying to tell that man something! He weren't listening!

    1. He sure didn't get the message the first time (grin).

  2. Survived all those strikes and in the end a woman got him:( Sounds like a lot of men.

    1. Yep, the lightning couldn't do him in even after all those strikes, but a woman sure got the job done, even though he died by his own hand.

  3. Johnny Carson had him on the Tonight Show several times, introduced him as Lightning Rod Roy.

    1. I remembered that but wasn't sure it was the same guy. My dad knew a guy who got hit three times. He worked in an oil field.

  4. Kinda makes a person wonder if all those lightning strikes mighta addled his brain a little... or maybe a lot since he let a woman get to him in the end.

    1. Yes, it must have addled his brain for sure, cause that woman did get him in the end.

  5. The lightening strikes are random, but a woman never gives up until she gets what she wants.

  6. I was hit while standing by my stove in the kitchen, it's back somewhere in a blog. Stung, and my cat looked like a bottle brush.

    1. I bet your hair stood up, too. Glad you and the cat lived through it.

  7. Interesting that he was given all those "second chances" (thirds.. fourths.. fifths etc.) but decided to do himself in.... hmmmmmm
    KarenInTheWoods and Steveio
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. Like the Odd Essay said, maybe all those lightning strikes messed up his brain. Most sane people don't kill themselves unless if it is to get out of constant severe pain that will never go away.
