Friday, March 20, 2015

Wondering About Dew on Clover.

This morning when I took the garbage out to the road, on the way back, I noticed how beautiful the clover looked with those little drops of water on their leaves.  They sparkled like diamonds.  I have always believed that you do not have to look to hard or to far to find beauty in nature, it is all around us and we just have to take time to see it, it is well worth the small effort.  Anyway, a couple of hours have passed and I didn't know that I would make those clovers the subject of my blog today, so I failed to get pictures.  By now the dew is dried up, so I did the next best thing.  I searched the Internet trying to find pictures that most matched what I remember seeing.  Yes, there is something magical about dew on clover:

And this:

Now, don't you think that they are beautiful?  Those droplets shimmering in the morning sun made them just sparkle.  They sure helped getting my day off to a good start.  Now, you all take a look around to see what might brighten your day, you hear?


  1. I, too, like seeing dew drops on leaves and the edges of flowers. But my favorite is when dew drops make a cobweb look like a strand of diamonds, making those delicate threads droop with the weight of the water. Right now it isn't dew drops, but more rain drops, weighing everything down here.....

    1. You know, those could just be raindrops I saw.

  2. Seeing something like dew on petals in the morning can set the tone for enjoying your entire day.

  3. So much beautiful scenery everywhere, my small point and shoot is always on my pocket.

    1. Yes George, there is so much beauty all around us and all we have to do is look for it.

  4. DD l havent heard a thing about your swamp in ages, any pics? You know i love it.

    1. OK, next time I am back there I will take a few pictures.
