Friday, March 13, 2015

My Wife's Quick Project.

 My wife always has at least one project going on and in most cases, more than one.
Most of her projects go very well and come out perfect, unlike when I attempt a project:

I thought that maybe you would like to see her latest creation, a crocheted purse:

Now, I guess I am going to have to loosen the draw cords around the top and dump some money and stuff in there, right?  Heck NO!!  She can do that herself.  Isn't that what she made it for?  I am not sure, she just loves to crochet and also makes all sorts of things.  Now, I wonder what her next project will be??  You all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Alright, you pecuniary tight purse, you! Empty your pockets, run the vacuum through that moth nest you call a wallet and pony up some pennies for the missus. ;)

    1. Ok, Ok, I will. But I am picky uny, so will only give her the wrinkled old bills. . .

  2. She will take wrinkled old bills! The purse is absolutely beautiful - love the color combination.

    1. Yep, she will take old bills, new bills, any bill that is legal tender. . .

  3. Nice! My daughter crochets (as did my Mom), but I'm a knitter.... I, too, like working with different color combinations... Projects? When you live in a small space like we do we tend to finish up one thing before starting another.
