Saturday, March 14, 2015

Had a Fantastic Day Today.

My wife and I had a fantastic day today!!  We found out that a fellow blogger had pulled into the Escapees RV park that was within an hour or so drive from us.  You know what that means, right?  Yep, we just had to take a ride up there and have a face to face visit.  We were sure glad we did, they are the nicest people you could ever want to meet.  Sometimes you read blogs and think how nice it would be to meet some of them.  I have been lucky enough to meet up with quite a few of them and today we met The Odd Essay ( Sharon and her husband Bill.  Like I said above, they are the nicest people and I sure hope that our paths will cross again someday.

Bloggers who travel usually post where they are or are going to be.  So, that gives us blog readers the information we need to know when they will be in an area that is near our home or along our travel routes and if their itinerary matches ours on certain dates when we are traveling, all the better.  Sharon and Bill are world travelers.  They have been in many countries in many continents.  The only other country I have been in is Canada, and only for short trips.  Now, I have no desire to leave the U.S. but I still would like to do some traveling around the States.  Maybe sometime down the road I will run into a few of you who I have never met, but until that time, you have a great day today, you hear? 


  1. It is always great to meet folks that we know from the blogs.

  2. We had a great day too.... you're right... it's so much fun to put a face to the "voice". Yeah... we'll have to keep in touch.

    1. I agree, it was great meeting both of you and we really need to get together again. We all have a lot in common.

  3. That is so nice that you met Sharon and Bill such a super couple we met 2 years ago in Glen Rose. We have been Willis Texas and Trinity, love that area, and had [planned to get there again this spring, but things happen.

  4. i love it too. And DD, i missed this post somehow, when i saw the next one, i found this one. Dont know how this is happening.
    Get into that huge MH you have and GOOOOO.

  5. i love it too. And DD, i missed this post somehow, when i saw the next one, i found this one. Dont know how this is happening.
    Get into that huge MH you have and GOOOOO.

  6. How nice to meet up with fellow bloggers.. .Hope to meet you guys too one day!
    KarenInTheWoods and Steveio
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard
