Saturday, February 14, 2015

Wondering About Making a Garden and a Friend.

 The other day when we were in Wal*Mart, my wife checked out the garden center.  She purchased both flowers and vegetables.  We got plants and seeds.  We always try to get non-GMO seeds but they are getting a lot harder to find.

Remember those raised beds that our son made for us:

I guess she already has made plans for them.  What do you think?

Went to the Flea Market this morning and had a good time chatting with my acquaintances there.  One of those vendors is Ed.  You know by his grin that he is a jolly fellow full of jokes and funny stories.  I always enjoy stopping at Ed's tables for a chat.

While I was preparing to take Ed's picture, I accidentally pressed the shutter button and the camera, all on its own, took this following picture.  Ed deals in old money, both coins and paper money, for which he will trade for other old money or in some cases, new money.  Well, it is for sell and most people only carry around with them modern money, so I guess he deals in both old and new.  He prefers old U.S. and Confederate money, mostly old U.S. stuff.  Just to be well rounded, he also sells oddities and other stuff he picks up during the week.

Even though I can't seem to shake this cough and sniffles, I really did enjoy my visit to the Flea Market and my visit with all my friends there.  Now, I hope you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. At first I thought it was a photo of you, minus the beard! And I sure hope Ed doesn't catch your sniffles. I'm going to spray my keyboard with Lysol now. Get better quicker.

    1. Couldn't stay in today, since it is my birthday. Yep, I was my Mother's Valentine to the world (grin).

    2. Happy Birthday Dick!!
      I have a grandson who's 10 today, happy birthday to you both!

    3. Thank you and happy birthday to your grandson.

  2. Happy Birthday, Mr DD! Have your cake and eat it, too, and maybe some heart shaped ribeye steaks on the BBQ to celebrate the other holiday event.

    1. I don't care that much for cake, but heart shaped ribeye stakes sound great. When are you going to bring them over and grill them? We can have a party!! Hey it got up to the upper 70's here today. Beautiful weather.

    2. It is not beautiful weather here unless you are fond of 50 mph wind and single digit temperatures. We will most definitely have to BBQ at your place.

  3. Sounds like you're on the mend... about time! My Mom collected Liberty Head coins (I think that's what they are) as well as Kennedy fifty cent pieces and also silver dollars.... I suppose I ought to see if they are worth anything.... just never got around to it. Happy Birthday AND Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. In a lot of cases, the sentimental value is a lot more than the monetary one. But you may have a treasure there, all it takes is one rare coin and you would be rolling in dough. . .

  4. A round of antibiotics will cure that,,, goooo doooo it!!!

    1. I am on antibiotics. I was given seven days worth.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks. I am down with a bug so will celebrate some other time. Think I will at least wait until I can start tasting food again. I can only taste the basic flavors, salt, sweet, sour and can not detect flavors.
