Sunday, February 15, 2015

My Wife Was Given a Rose.

A lady vendor at the Flea Market gave my wife a beautiful rose.  She said that she received a huge bouquet of those roses for Valentine's Day and wanted my wife to have one.  All roses are beautiful, but an unexpected rose is special.  So, of course I wanted to take a picture of it to share with you all.

My wife had it in a vase with water and I just picked the rose and vase up and took them out on the deck.  I thought the color would show up better in natural light.  It has clouded up and is spitting a few drops of rain, so it was not too bright outside.  Here are a couple of pictures that I took:

I believe that the above two pictures tell the rest of story, you all know that a picture is worth a thousand words and since I posted two pictures, it just saved me two thousand words.  I think that is enough said, now you all have rosy day, you hear? 


  1. Ahhhhhh.... how nice! I've never been able to grow roses but love them... especially the climbing kind that I tried to get to grow up a trellis alongside my porch (years ago).

    1. We do not grow roses (yet). Had them when we lived in Pennsylvania. Don't get much prettier than roses.

  2. That is a very beautiful rose, and being given it unexpectedly must have been very nice for Mrs. Diz. I've had rose bushes but whenever I tried to trim them I just butchered the plants, and I don't like thorns, so I gave up on ever trying to grow them.

    1. It was nice of that lady to give it to my wife.

  3. Never could grow them either. Yellow is my fav color, but that pink is so beautiful.

    1. Is it because of the Yellow Rose of Texas? Or since Tyler, TX is the Rose Capital of the United States?
