Thursday, February 12, 2015

Wondering About Drinking Pictures

I don't drink alcohol and haven't for quite a few years, but I used to and I liked it.  I heard that just beer can cause up to 26 different kinds of cancer.  Alcohol can and does affect the liver and when it wears it out it starts working on the spleen.  But, that doesn't stop most people.  This blog is about drinking, and I tried to find the funny side of it.  Like this sign for example:

Now that is a bargain, right???  I guess that is OK but some just will not stop at two drinks and some can't seem to wait for the bartender to refill their glasses, so the man in the picture below solved that problem of refilling his glass:

Of course there is all sorts of fancy concoctions that imbibers can order and I sure don't know the names of them.  Way back when, when I drank some, I stuck to a shot and a beer chaser or just bourbon on the rocks, not these fancy, dandy cocktails:

Now, if you imbibe, have one on me, but only one, I want to make sure you get home safe and sound and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I like really good booze, but my budget will keep me from ever being an alcoholic. :)

    1. Then it seems as if you have real balanced life, drink the best but only the amount you can afford. Like you say, no fear of becoming an alcoholic.

  2. I used to drink quite a bit, but gave it up when I started on blood thinner. Don't miss it too much, especially the cost!

    1. It has been so long for me that I don't even want it anymore. Guess what? I really could live without it. . .

  3. Quit drinking way before I quit smoking, just got up one day and couldn't gag a beer down.

    1. Alcohol and tobacco are the two major habits of most people. I, too, have quit both. The hardest habit to quit was my use of Copenhagen snuff.

  4. Based on data from 2009, an estimated 3.5 percent of all cancer deaths in the United States (about 19,500 deaths) were alcohol related; they don't break out the number that are beer related. I haven't had a drink for a few years now but not because I fear it will cause cancer.

    A compound (xanthohumol) found only in hops and a main product used in - beer - has rapidly gained interest as a micronutrient that might help prevent many types of cancer. The downside of that discovery was that it was necessary to drink so much beer to get any benefit that it was bad for your health. HA

    1. Yep, but if you tried you would be a lot more jolly (grin).
