Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Dogs at the Groomer's

Dang, I hate coming home to an empty house, no barking to greet me, no jumping up in my lap, just a house so quiet I can hear the refrigerator running.  Quick, turn on the dang TV!!  OK, that is better, now open up the laptop, turn it on, and read some blogs. . . OK, I am going to make it now.  We dropped the pups off at 09:00 and they usually get done around lunch time until after 13:00, depending on how busy they are.  If we eat lunch before picking up the pups, I will miss them under the table, begging for just one more bite.  Now, do you get the impression that I love our dogs?  Well, if you do, you are so correct.

I am still trying to get rid of this cough and cold that has been lingering on and on and on.  Maybe I should take the medicine that the doctor prescribed for me.  I hate taking prescription drugs, but sometimes they are a necessary evil.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Cain't say I rightly agree with ya Dizzy bout doctor prescribed medications be'n evil. I been tak'n my doctor prescribed meds for a few years now, an' I'm still alive an' kick'n. Without them.....Hmmmmm????

    I sure do know what ya mean bout them dogs. I don't see how anybody could ever "function" without a pet round the house. Sadie Mae does me well. An' she know how to eat people food.

    1. Yep.I know B.B., but the Drug Companies put on the schooling that all doctors have to attend and a lot of doctors just like to push pills. I know that I need to take the antibiotic but the one for the cough says it has a side affect of hallucinations. I don't need any of those, you know, driving down the road and seeing things that ain't there. . .

  2. Our life style is just too erratic to have pets, so we get our "pet fix" by visiting our kids and their dogs and cats. Right now I'd just love to send you 6 guineas that hang out around our rig... and are the noisiest dang fowl I've ever heard. You wouldn't even be able to hear yourself think, let alone hear the TV! Yeah... maybe you should take those meds... might speed up your recovery.

    1. I will start the anit-biotics tonight after supper. I am suppose to take two a day with meals.

  3. Time and place for everything,,, even meds. You take those meds, ya hear?

  4. Because Beau is surrounded by chairs so he can't move, I went into the bathroom and turned around, fully expecting to see his white mug looking at me. He follows me constantly, always watching like I'm the most important person in the world. To him, I am. And when this absence becomes permanent..................I think I'll run off. This house will be unlivable.

    1. I don't know what I will do when my old dog dies. Maybe she will outlive me. Every one of my dogs that got old and died were buried with many of my tears.

  5. Well I'm fed up with doctors and their prescription pads, test ordering forms, etc. Most drugs they prescribe contain poisonous toxins and I'm not having any more of it. When good diet and healthy living can help me no longer then I'm ready for what happens. All anyone has to do is turn on the TV for a couple of hours and count the drug ads; read a magazine and count the drug ads; and on and on.
