Sunday, January 4, 2015

Wondering About Male Names.

What do you believe is the most popular male name in the world?  I am asking you now to give you some time to think about it.  Yes, I will tell you later and then you can tell me if you were right or not.

How many times have you heard the saying, he's not just any "Tom, Dick, or Harry"?  Back in my day, that was a very popular saying.  Why did they pick those three names for that saying?  Because they were the most popular male names at the time.  In the western world they were the most popular but not all over the world.  Yep, I am one of the big three, my name is Dick.  Actually, my given name is Richard, but as long as I can remember, I have answered to Dick.

Here in the United States, the list of the most popular names is a little different than a world wide list.
Could you find yourself on that list?

OK, I have given you enough time to come up with what you think is the most popular male name in the world.  Here is the answer:

Mohammed is the most common first name in the world.

 According to the sixth edition of The Columbia Encyclopedia (2000), Muhammad is "probably the most common given name" in the world, including variations. It is estimated that more than 15 million people in the world bear the name Muhammad.

How many of you were correct?  I used to be one of the big three, but it has been surpassed by the name Muhammad or one of its variations.  Sort of gives us a hint to what is happening in this world today and most of what I see, I don't like.  But please try to have a great day anyway, you hear?


  1. i sure missed it,,, i thot John... lol. And no, my name has never been anywhere else, just mine, far as i know.

    1. I would have thought it to be either Tom, Dick, or Harry. Guess I am still living in the past.

    2. TnT, so what is your given name. possibly you can find someone else with your name by putting it in a google search

  2. This is a little disturbing to me, but I think it shows the direction the world is heading. Kinda sad, ya know?

    1. The most proficient breeders will conquer the world. The western world tries to control global population, so we will not be winning this game.

  3. I was surprised to read the answer, but then I'm not surprised at all. I remember several years ago hearing that it is common in Muslim families to name their oldest son Mohammed, and there is also a traditional name for the 2nd son but I can't remember what it is. Not too different than Catholic families in the past who gave the name "Mary" to their daughters. The fact that Islam has spread over so much of the world makes it inevitable that there are a lot of Mohammeds out there.

    1. Every couple of generations, the favorite name seems to change.

  4. That shows you were we stand in the scheme of things....

  5. "That shows you were we stand in the scheme of things..."
    "Christianity may be losing its toe hold."

    It is in God's scheme of things. Leading up to the antichrist.

    I thought that it would be "John", but the way things are going, I am not surprised that it is Mohammed.
    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny

    1. Yes, I can see the signs. The are a few in politics now who could be the antichrist.

  6. I have always found name patterns interesting. A number of years ago, I found a book called Names on the Land. It was a very interesting review of names and history

    1. I looked up that book and it does sound interesting.

  7. I was wrong I figured it would be Joseph or its variations like...Jose :D

    Not really into theology but not surprised.

    1. It surprised me, too, but then reality sunk in.

  8. I got the answer to your pop quiz correct. I also checked the name list and I didn't make the top 100.

    1. I didn't either. Now that is hard to believe that Ed and Dick are not on it!!
