Friday, January 2, 2015

One Last Christmas Picture.

I know, I know, you are all sick of Christmas pictures.  But my wife and I are still down with this dang flu and I don't feel like coming up with something else.  Anyway, these two newly acquired grandkids are really cute and well behaved and like any proud grandpa, why not show them off a bit?  So here they are on Christmas evening in our living room just before they opened all their gifts.

Even after a big day they still seem all excited.  Aren't they cute?

This was the highlight of my Christmas, now tell me about the best thing that happened to you for Christmas.  Have a great day, you hear?


  1. Grandkids are so special... makes no difference whether they're mine, yours, ours or theirs. The best thing about my Christmas was talking with my kids, grandkids and great-grandkids on the phone. One of these days I'll figure out how to use Skype or one of those programs.

    1. We were blessed to have had them here for Christmas. They made our day.

  2. The kids sure look happy. To me it is the children that make Christmas memorable...I am happy you have these wonderful kids in your life.

    1. This is the first Christmas in many that we have celebrated. It takes kids to make a Christmas.

  3. I always like Christmas or kid pictures. Cute!

    1. Kids and animals make great pictures for sure.

  4. being with family, LOTS of family. lol
