Sunday, December 14, 2014

Wondering About Ice.

It is just so very cold here this morning, it is only 72 degrees here now and I think it got down to around 69 degrees this morning, so naturally, I started thinking about ice.  Yep, you know, the solid state of water.  Most things have three states, solid, liquid, and gas, but there are a few that skip a state here and there.  Some just sublime from a solid to a gas.  Now, I wonder why it is called "sublime"?  It must make the solid feel good if doing it is so sublime. . .

The clouds just came over and the temperature dropped a degree to 71.  See:

OK, I can take weather like this.  I wonder if it will last all month.  I remember other Decembers when it did.  It is supposed to be warm all week.    Of course, January is usually the coldest month here and that is yet to come.  I guess I could let you know if it gets unusually cold or hot. . . if I think about it.

I assume that you have guessed that I don't have much of anything outstanding to tell you, but since I didn't post yesterday, I figured I better post something today so that you know I am still around.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear? 


  1. My sis just called, and i cant talk! lol. I kinda think whats wrong with me is this congestion, and that it caused the other. Guess ill find out huh? I told her she'd have to do it all, was telling me about not liking her new job. She worked for Alco, that went bankrupt. all closing.

    1. You better get yourself better and soon!! That is an order!!! Hope your Sis likes her new job.

  2. I'm with you. I'll take the temps; no need to look at the teeth...

    1. Yep, I can take this kind of winter temps, for sure. You are down here in the south for the winter, so you know how nice it can be, at least compared to Maine under three feet of snow. Hey, don't get me wrong, I liked snow when I lived up north, but I am too old to enjoy it now.

  3. I like temps in the 70's, and don't mind the 50's which is what it is here. But a whole winter of 50's is too chilly - I'd rather have snow for a while and then experience the wonderful warming up in the spring.

    1. It has been a few years since I have seen snow. When I was a kid and living up north, I loved the snow and would go out in the worst blizzards. Don't know if I could take it anymore.

  4. I've got ice fishermen out on the lake . . .

    1. I bought an ice auger to try that kind of fishing and wouldn't you know, that winter it didn't get cold enough to freeze over safely. Then the next year I moved south.

  5. We certainly have been having pleasant temperatures this fall in Texas. I remember one Christmas in Houston when it snowed.

    1. Yeah, me too. My sis and hubby had come up here to visit, had an ice storm, they stayed an extra day, but then had to drive back to Pasadena on the ice. Took hours longer, ice all the way.

    2. MsB, We were camping in at Galveston the one year that it snowed at the beach.

    3. Trouble, I can remember a couple of winters when we had ice storms. We have had a lot more ice than snow.

  6. It's only 45 degrees up here in Glen Rose this morning.. too cold for me. We had some rain here yesterday... liquid state... no ice yet.

    1. Stay warm and cozy and remember all those hot and humid areas of this Earth that you just visited.
