Friday, December 12, 2014

Wondering About Carrot Juice.

I have been told that carrot juice is good for you.  Way back when I got my first job, there was a fellow there that we all thought was a health nut.  He very seldom wore a jacket and always took a swim every day of the year, and at that time, I was living and working in western Pennsylvania and the winters were really cold!!  So, with all the bodies of water frozen over, how did he go swimming everyday?  Well, he first tried to swim in creeks and ponds and such, but got really tired of breaking the ice every day.  So, he had his own private swimming pool put in.  In one corner, he mounted a heat lamp which prevented the ice from forming in that corner and that was enough to give him access to the water, in which he would swim every morning before coming to work.

This man also drank carrot juice. Not just a glass now and then through the week, but he practically lived on it.  In fact, he started to turn orange and smelled like carrots.  I don't know, but I would imagine that he drank other vegetable juices, but maybe not.  I have no idea how long he lived, since I lost contact with him when I took a salaried position.

I found this next paragraph on line at:

"A lot of people are obsessed with eating healthy and exercising, in the hopes that they can put off the inevitable a bit longer. But in some cases such dedication can be just as deadly as sitting on the couch all day eating potato chips. In 1974, Englishman Basil Brown died of an overdose of carrot juice. Brown, whose healthy eating regime involved drinking one gallon of the stuff a day, had had an orange tint to his skin for some time. But drinking one gallon of almost anything other than water a day isn’t great for your liver, and after years of the practice it finally shut down."

If there is a moral to this story I guess it would be not to do anything in excess.  In fact, that is a good motto to live by.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I couldn't drink a gallon of anything every day except for water. There was a time when I could probably have drunk a gallon of beer, but not any more!

    1. I haven't had a drink of alcohol in many years but there was a time that I had no problem drinking a gallon of beer or more a day most every day.

    2. I've switched to a local craft beer, and enjoy one about 3x a week. I feel much better, and fortunately I don't feel like I want or need to give it up altogether.

  2. I've heard of folks who got an orange tint from drinking a lot of carrot juice but never saw one. I have met several folks who eat a lot of garlic and kind of smell like a clove of raw garlic themselves (maybe I fit in this group but nobody's mentioned it so far)....

    1. It doesn't take a lot of garlic to make people smell, although I don't think garlic has a bad smell at all. I don't eat much garlic but I do eat a lot of onions.

  3. On a diet one time, had to drink that much water, yukkkk. I drink fluids but coffee, tea,cokes, anything but water back then. Now, that's about all i drink.
    What would be blue to make that man blue?

    1. Who said anything about blue. The guy I knew turned orange from all the carrot juice that he consumed.

  4. The "Blue Man" drank a liquid with silver in it. I can't think of the name right now, but I had a bottle of it once and refused to open it. lol

    My sister and her family turned orange from drinking carrot juice. When they started wondering what it might be doing to their internal organs, they stopped.

    Eat right. Don't smoke. Exercise. (news at eleven) but you're still gonna die. Whatever I die from, I'm not gonna like it. Dying healthy seems like adding insult to injury.

    1. So, there was a blue man. Was it colloidal silver that he drank? That stuff is supposed to help if you are exposed to radiation. It sells out fast when tensions get heightened with Russia or China.

    2. THAT'S THE NAME!! I got it via the internet about 20 years ago, thinking it might help heal a wound like silver nitrate, but no way was I going to drink it.

    3. Saw him on TV not too many years ago. YEAH, he was BLUE, wow

    4. Yes, the blue man turned blue from silver, but he overdosed and didn't use the colloidal type. Check it out here:

  5. The Internet is all abuzz now about colloidal silver as a treatment for Ebola. I don't know how effective it might be. It has been used for many years to treat wounds because of its antibacterial properties but that would not fight off a virus. Many people are very ill informed about the difference between a bacteria and a virus.
    But, there are also claims that colloidal silver is good to treat cancer which has not been proved to be bacterial or virus caused. I sometimes wonder if the claims for colloidal silver and similar products don't make "snake oil" a better choice.

    1. The vaccine for Ebola didn't work, so they have discarded it. Just saw that somewhere.

    2. Vaccines don't always work like they are suppose to. In fact, I had a friend that became completely paralyzed from a vaccine. He even needed help breathing and it finally killed him. That was from a flue shot. Needless to say, I don't get flue shots or any other vaccine.

  6. Peter O'Toole once said the only exercise he got was from walking in funeral processions of friends who died, who exercised all the time.

    1. Does that mean I should stop rocking in my rocker/recliner and put it in the recline position??

  7. Drinking one gallon of water might not be good for you unless you're living in a desert and pissing like a hyena. That carrot juice drinker was a Class A nut - he must have been addicted to it.

    1. He was sort of odd. A nice guy, but did things ordinary people don't.
