Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Wondering About Hydrogen.

What do you all think of first when someone mentions the word "hydrogen"?  A lot of you will first think about the hydrogen bomb:

Others, like me, think of the gas, H2.  It is the simplest molecule in the universe and I believe the most abundant.  It consists of just two hydrogen atoms.  Yes it is the simplest and lightest molecule that I know of, that is why when put in balloons, they rise up to the sky.  So what happens when you burn hydrogen?  You get water, nothing more, no bad byproducts, just water.  Burning is the fast way to oxidize something.  Oxidation is the addition of oxygen to another element or compound.  Burning is fast and rusting is slow.  Because burning hydrogen produces water, if the rate of burning can be controlled, it is the cleanest source of energy from combustion.  This makes it a great fuel for internal combustion motors, like what is in you car or truck.

In fact, on this day back in 2002, Toyota delivered two hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles that were ready to be sold to the public.  The problem is that our country has no provisions for refueling hydrogen powered vehicles. (Toyota calls them FCHVs, or Fuel-Cell Hydrogen Vehicles.)  These cars do not burn hydrogen in their engines, they have electric engines that run off batteries that are recharged by hydrogen fuel cells.

I am an old guy who prefers the old ways and thus I still buy gasoline and diesel for my vehicles and lawn mowers and tractors.  As long as the petroleum lasts, I will use it.  So, what do you think?  Never mind, just relax and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I would love to be able to afford a vehicle that uses alternative fuel. I'm an old gal that prefers the old ways, mostly, but when something cleaner and more efficient is developed I'm willing to consider it. And if it doesn't have to be drilled out of the ground or the sea, and if oil tankers can't spill it into the waters and pollute them, then that's all the better. Of course, no method will be perfect.

    1. By alternative do you mean alcohol? I have seen dragsters that run on alcohol and they sure are loud and fast. Not as fast as the ones that run on nitro-methane, though. The solar powered cars are great but not for those who enjoy the night life (grin).

  2. I first thought about the Hindenburg. Then, about fuel cells. I understand the problem is building distribution lines. Not sure I'll see it in my days.

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    2. It was the Hindenburg that gave hydrogen a bad name, but hydrogen burns up and away, while the fuel oil on board the Hindenburg burnt the gondola up.

  3. Since the 1970's we have been talking about the need to stop using fossil fuels but here we are still dependent on them. I to will keep filling up with gas. I wouldn't want to go back to horse and buggies. My sister has 4 horses...they are all work!
