Monday, December 1, 2014

Wondering About Big Leaves on the Deck

Back quite a few blogs ago when I was camping at Huntsville State Park, I found some unusually large leaves.  I posted pictures of them compared to my foot.  (Here is a link to that post: )  I had never seen those type of leaves before nor since, until yesterday.  I was sweeping the leaves off the deck when I found these two yesterday.  Dang, they are almost as big:

On another note.  Was wanting to get my RV inspected, but had dead engine batteries and low tires.  My son came up yesterday with his big Ford diesel truck and jump started my Caterpillar Engine in the RV.  I let it run for a an hour or so, hoping that the batteries would take a charge.  They were so low that even pushing the switch that boosts the two engine batteries with the four house batteries didn't help.  I even held it down quite a long time.  OK, I hope it will start again because I sure wouldn't want to have to try to change those batteries.  There is such little room to work and I would suppose that it may take some special long reach tools.  Don't know for sure.  They are on a pull-out slide but it doesn't pull out far enough to clear the compartment door when opened.  That door will only open up to horizontal so it will not interfere with the slide-out above it.

There is always something that goes wrong.  So far, everything has been fixable, except maybe for my health and I am working on that, too.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. The more you own, the more you have to take care of. But I'd love to rent an RV someday.

    1. There are all shapes, sizes, and engines that I am sure you can find one that suits your needs. Go look for used ones.That will give you an idea of what is available and at what cost. I am not sure, but they may also rent them.

  2. Sorry to hear your RV has dead need to take it out on trips more often.

    1. Makes sense to me, but I haven't got around to taking all the Halloween decorations out of it. Remember my blog that showed how we decorated it?

  3. Can't use a rake on those leaves, get a pitchfork. Don't suppose you could park the rv on a hill where you could get rolling, put it in 2nd gear and pop the clutch like it was a VW bug. Bad idea, I forgot there were no hills in Texas. Glad to see you back on the Air,DD!

    1. My wife used a rake and I followed behind with broom getting the small stuff. You know, "Don't sweat the small stuff".
      Don't have a clutch. Just a six speed automatic.

    2. What do you mean jimkabob???? No hills? I live in the hill country, smack in the middle of TX.

    3. I have been to the Davis Mountains, and yes, they are mountains!!

    4. Guess I need to come see. Hadn't been there since 1974.

  4. I have been collecting oak leaves, they have been the inspirational theme of many things I've made in the pottery studio this fall. This week I'll open a new block of clay, what to make?

    1. Have you ever found any as big as these or the ones I found at Huntsville State Park?

  5. Does that mean they are oak? Never saw any that big either. We have HILLS, but not oaks with leaves like those.

    1. I am thinking it is Oak. There are a lot of smaller oak leaves laying around, maybe these just forgot to stop growing.
