Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wondering About Garbage Pick-up and Christmas Lights.

I bet you are wondering what the connections are between garbage pick-up and Christmas lights.  Well, I will tell you.  Yesterday was my regular scheduled garbage pick-up day, so in the morning, I carried a couple of full garbage cans down to the road for pick-up.  That is about an eighth of a mile from my house.  Then last night, I went down to retrieve them, but they were not empty, but when I got down there, I was very impressed with the neighbors' Christmas light displays.  So, I walked back to the house and got my camera and went back down to the road, took two pictures, and came back and put the camera chip into my computer and looked at the pictures.

Dang, I must have the palsy or something.  Those pictures were really blurry.  But, since that is all I have I am going to post them anyway.  After seeing the blog at, I decided if she posted those shaky pictures I could post mine, too.  So try not to get too dizzy.

And one more:

See, I told you that they were blurry.  The problem was, that since it was so dark, the camera kept the shutter open for a fairly long time.  If I had known that at the time, I would have braced the camera against a fence post, but then I wouldn't have been able to get that last picture of the lights on the fence.  Oh well, you get the idea.  Now, if you don't like them, blame Lottajoy. . .Now, have a great day, you hear?


  1. The blurriness adds a bit of artistic pizzaz to the photos. I can tell it is one heckuva light display, and that is what you are trying to convey.

    1. I guess it does add some pizzazz. It was quite pretty without the pizzazz.

    2. If an artist painted the picture in oils they would probably draw a hefty price!

    3. I have oils and I paint, but I am far from being an artist. My wife doesn't like the smell of oils in the house. Yes, I know that there are odorless oils. Acrylics are nice, too, but oil is the best medium. The best of two worlds is to do as much as possible with acrylics and then finish it off with oils. Gives a picture a little of that pizzazz that was mentioned above.

  2. Looks just like my Christmas light photos.

    My garbage pick up decided to come an hour early. I was standing in my doorway with a trashbag in my hand as the truck drove past. I hate that.

    1. My garbage pick up never came. The cans are still sitting down there. I pay through the nose for pickup two days a week, I expect them to pick it up two days a week. Am asking too much?

  3. Looks like the kind of photos I get when I try to take shots of fireworks.... but who cares? The viewer knows what they really look like anyway.

    1. I guess I better get a tripod, don't you think?

  4. I've become a firm believer in a "Monopod" - basically you provide two legs and the monopod becomes the third leg of a tripod. Handles all my little diabetic shakes and doubles as a walking stick. My new camera will have image stabilization, for sure.

    1. Good idea. I have a hiking stick that would work very well.

  5. Like the old saying's the thought that counts, right?

    1. Sometimes, I hope some of my thoughts don't count (grin).

  6. Way too many to do, can't imagine anyone doing that. I think there's displays on youtube.

    1. We haven't decorated for Christmas for awhile. Doing it this year for the newly required step-grandkids. Looking forward to it.

    2. i probably wont do anything, not even take my tree out of the box and plug it in.
