Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Wondering About the Change in Seasons.

Here where I live, sometimes it is hard to tell the beginning and the ending of the seasons.  One day it can be summer and the next day it can be winter and sometimes any of the other seasons.  Today, the high will be somewhere between 67 and 70 degrees with a low tonight, (actually, tomorrow morning) of 48.  So, that is pretty comfortable for me, and with the pure blue sky, it is bright and cheerful and a good day to be alive.

Oh yes, today was garbage pickup day, so I carried a couple of cans down to the road for pickup.  I noticed the trees and bushes.  Some trees were completely bare, others were still lush and green, and a few had leaves that had changed color, like this one:

And this little tree, the same kind as the leaf above but not the same tree, was changing colors:

It got down in the 50's this morning, so my wife fired up her stand-alone fireplace to take off some of the chill.  She was cold, I wasn't.  But this unit with the fake fire and a heating element with a fan looked good, so I took a picture of it.

It is right in front of our fireplace and sitting on the hearth.  It does look nice and makes a person feel real cozy.  The flames move just like a real fire.  I guess I should have taken a video but I have been having trouble posting pictures today and gave up on IE, am now using Firefox and it seems to work.  I still couldn't upload the pictures on Internet Explorer.  I don't know what the problem is, but I have three different browsers that I can use, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Internet Explorer.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I think those are Sweet Gum trees. In my Ohio hometown, some of the city streets are lines with them. And the neat thing is, when autumn comes, a row of trees may have orange, yellow or red leaves... and sometimes all on the same tree. What a gorgeous autumn tree they are! And, yes... that fireplace sure looks cozy.

    1. Yes, they are Sweet Gum. We have both Sweet Gum and Black Gum (Black Tupelo) trees here on my place. Too bad all the trees don't change color at the same time like they do up north. The Fall of the year is one of the things I miss since I moved south.

  2. I've had a variety of glitches when writing/posting/adding pics to our blog. IE doesn't always work so I use Chrome. I wonder why?? Been enjoying your blog for a long time. Rolling Earthquake..Charlie..

    1. That is why I have three different browser programs. I will visit your blog.

  3. I need a fireplace like that! I still haven't gotten my furnace turned on. There is a trick to it, but I forget what it is. I've used Firefox for years and would never go to anything else - of course I can't use IE on my MAC even if I wanted to.

    1. They make them different sizes. You can go on line at QVC.com and check and see if they still have them available. Just type it in QVC's search box. If I remember correctly, I had to put a light bulb in it.

  4. I love fireplaces but they are a bugger to clean. I think you wife had the right idea when she purchased this electric one and it sure looks nice.

    1. Yep, just dust the top off now and then and it does heat the room, too, if you want it to, or you can turn the hear part off.

  5. The only thing worse than a dead skunk in the middle of the road is a live one on your porch.

    I speak from experience!
