Sunday, December 21, 2014

Wandering to the Storage Lockers.

A friend of ours sets up at the flea market and also sell on line.  In order to keep on doing this, he has to find desirable items that are inexpensive to survive.  One way he does that is to bid on storage lockers or units that are in default on payments.  Have you ever watched "Storage Wars" on TV?  The difference is, here people bid on line after seeing a picture of the locker.  He won this current locker for next to nothing and he believed that there was nothing but junk in it, according to the picture.  My wife and I went down to help him move its contents into his other, larger storage unit just around the corner of the row and down the other side.
That is my Jeep in the foreground in the above picture.  Oh, did I tell you that he has a jeep almost identical to mine?  The one in the foreground in the picture below is his Jeep.
 In the above picture, you can see a little ways into his locker and you can see it was stuffed full.  Of course there was a lot of stuff to head to the dumpster, but there was also a lot of good stuff.  Lots of small things that sure do add up when they are sold.  After moving a lot of the stuff in the front, there were a couple of larger things come into view, one being bunk beds.
 But the prize and the icing on the cake was this piano.  It was in perfect shape and in tune.  A really nice instrument:

All told, I would say he made out quite well.

Well, today at the flea market, my wife made a few purchases.  Most of them small and would fit into her shopping bag, but she did make one large purchase for little money.
She got a whole set, 20 books, all written by Louis Lamoure.  It sure looks like we have a lot of reading to do.  I guess instead of watching cowboy movies on the Western Channel, I need to start reading some of these books.  Now, you all have a great day today, you hear?



  1. Ive watched Storage Wars, kinda fun to see what they find.

    1. Yes it is and that is why my wife and I went down to help him go through that locker that his bid won.

  2. I helped move that very model of piano for my granddaughter. My daughter was given one, but it would have to be moved. I stripped all the camping stuff out of the van and we got it in. It was in a tiny below ground room in a condo. Tight work. Things one does for family.

    1. My 71 year old back is not in good enough shape to be wrestling a piano around.

  3. That would be so exciting to me to come across a set of books like that. I love to read, ad if I like the author I want to read everything he or she wrote.

    1. I haven't started any of them yet. I like read when I sit outside on the deck to get some sun.

  4. Nice, I used to red his novels a long time ago:)

    1. I hope either my wife or I or both of us like them.

    2. When I had my book store, Louis L'Amour was a favorite author.
      Happy Reading, Trails and Tails, Penny

  5. Louis L'amour stories are great! Nice find.
    The next time you want something to do ... go find some local places from his books, a lot of his stories happened in southern Texas.

    1. Yes, I am looking forward to reading them. Thanks for info

  6. I think bidding on storage lockers requires a lot of guts. With my luck all I would find in my winning bid would be junk. Then again if I found a piano like the one he did...I would have no idea what to do with it.

    1. I am not sure if he has any idea what to do with it, either..
