Monday, December 22, 2014

Tonight's Sunset.

I have had a busy day and didn't get my blog written this morning.  That was not such a good thing but in a way, maybe it was.  I noticed a little bit ago that the sunset was pretty.  So, I grabbed my camera and rushed out to see if I could get any good pictures of it.  In the past, I have not done too good getting the picture I want of a sunset, so I tried again tonight.  I took four pictures, one right after the other.  It is amazing just how fast the view changed.  I will post them below in the order of when I took them.  The third one seems out of order, but it isn't.  It just changed to that color then back again to the color in the previous pictures.  Now, I will have to wonder what caused that.  Here are the pictures.

OK, short but sweet, right?  Nature can really paint some beautiful pictures, can't she?  Now, I hope you all have beautiful sunsets every day of your lives and for now, just have a great day, you hear?


  1. All the pictures are great, but the last one is gorgeous!

    1. Nature sure does a good job of making pretty scenes.

  2. Nice! I had a slightly brighter spot in the clouds for a brief while today . . .

    1. You are keeping all those clouds up there aren't you? I never realized how great winter was until I moved down here. I did, although, love the snow but not the melting part.

  3. I like sunsets, good work, thanks for sharing!

    1. I like them, too, and Mother Nature put on a good show last night.

  4. December 23, 2014

    I like the sun sets and sunrises. But they are better in person, pictures do not seem to capture what the eye does. When I take these pictures they don’t seem the same as what I saw with my eye


    1. That is the way it always is and my pictures are no exception.

  5. Spectacular here too. I stop to just look at them a lot.
