Saturday, November 22, 2014

Wondering, What Is It?

 Went to the Flea Market and walked around this morning.  One thing I spotted that looked out of place was a tan bump on the asphalt in the parking lot.  I just figured somebody dropped something and it looked to me like it was a slice off of some fruit or vegetable.  Here is the picture I took of it:
OK, I suppose you want to see a close-up of it, so I cropped everything off the picture except the thing in question:

I nudged it with my foot and it was firmly anchored to the asphalt.  It looks like it cemented itself to the parking lot surface with some white, slimy looking stuff.  On the left, it looks more fuzzy than on the right where it looks like larger strands anchored to the road.

OK, somebody tell me what it is.  So far, I have been unable to find it on any of the fungus or mushroom sites I have checked, but I will continue to search for it and if I find it, I will update my blog with the answer.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Half of a used lemon. Blossom end, from the appearance.

    1. That is what it looks like. The lemon pulp must have dried onto the asphalt which made stick tightly there.

  2. "The Thing" from outer space! No, I just can't imagine why it wouldn't move with a little nudging, although it looks enough like half a lemon.

    1. I guess the sticky juice just held it there until it dried and glued itself down. But I would prefer "The Thing" from outer space. . .

  3. Replies
    1. Not quite that big. I guess I forgot to say how big it was.

  4. Replies
    1. It may have been funnier if I had stepped in it, right?
