Sunday, November 23, 2014

Wondering About a Guy We Love to Hate.

There are a lot of people, especially the characters that we see on TV and the movies, that we just love to hate.  Not the actor or actress, but the character that they play.  One of these is the actor Larry Hagman who fulfilled both the lovable and the despicable characters.  I remember him well in both shows and I bet you do, too.

The first show I remember was "I Dream of Jeannie", with Barbara Eden as the Jeannie that appeared out of the lamp or bottle or whatever they appear out of.  Here are two pictures from that show.

Did you notice how young Mr. Hagman was in that show and it was in black and white?

When the TV show, Dallas, came on in 1978 and ran till 1991, Larry played J.R. Ewing in that show.  He was sort of the black sheep of the family and did a lot of wheeling/dealing that may or may not have been above board.    

Larry Hagman had a long career and he was still playing J.R. up until his death two years ago today in the newest version of the Dallas show.  Most viewers loved him in his first show and loved/hated him in the last one.  How about you?  Did you have a love/hate thing going on for Larry?  Now, have a great day, you hear?


  1. I had a pal who lived in Plano, Texas ~ hop skip from Parker where Southfork Ranch is ...

    I lived in Dallas ... in the beginning, the TV show was ridiculous ... a hurricane? But as time went on... this show changed a lot of people's attitudes about Dallas ... because up until then we were known by the unsophisticated as the City that kills Presidents. or shoots them... got soooo tired of that image...

    So JR and gang became a huge hit and did Dallas a great favor along with the Cowboys, of course ... ;)

    1. I used to live in Justin which was north of Ft. Worth. We visited South Fork Ranch, which, by the way, is located in a housing development. I got pictures somewhere.

  2. Replies
    1. I watched the old version since I lived just down the road from South Fork.

  3. Sorry . . . I only had eyes for Jeannie . . .

  4. Larry Hagman was blessed with a wide range of acting roles that he performed quite well. I liked his badness in Dallas. I mostly watched it when forced to do so. However, I had nothing against the show, just had other things to do.

    1. He was even a stage actor before he became "famous". I always enjoyed him as J.R. He fit the part perfectly.

  5. I loved both Larry and Barbara in I Dream of Jeannie. I watched the first two years of Dallas and admired Hageman for his ability to play an unlikable jerk as well as the sweet owner of the bottle and Jeannie. After the 2nd season of Dallas it got to be kind of ridiculous - maybe it was when the actor who played Jock died - nothing was ever the same.

    1. The first two seasons were the best. I heard it tried to make a come-back. I started to watch it but it was not that good and I didn't want to waste my time, not that I don't enjoy wasting my time.

  6. My tie with the show is that the actor who played Jock's father was the funeral home director where my Mom's biological mother's funeral was held in Kansas(?). She died when my Mom was 4. Ok, I didn't say it was a strong tie.

    1. They say that any two people on Earth are six or fewer acquaintance links apart, so you fit into that range easily.

  7. I loved him in both roles. I vividly remember US Homes held 24 hour closings in Houston back in the 80's and my closing was at 10:00 p.m. on a Friday night.

    Do I close or do I watch Dallas? Watch Dallas of course! They had so many closings I did not get called in until midnight anyway.

  8. Never cared for Dallas, but my Dad sure did. Didn't like anything that continued.

    1. I agree about continued shows. If you miss one you get lost.
