Friday, November 7, 2014

Wondering About Porch Bloomers.

So, what the heck is a "Porch Bloomer"?  OK, get your mind off of underwear.  I am not talking about this kind of bloomer:

 OK, so while we are thinking about the above picture, do any of you ladies out there ever remember having to wear such things?  I have no idea when they went out of style, but I sure don't remember any women or girls wearing them, but then, I didn't check to see because I don't like being slapped. . .

I walked out on the back porch this morning and noticed that this one plant was still blooming.  It blooms constantly.  I hope it enjoyed the cool front that came through.  At least it didn't seem to bother it.
Here is a close up.  Now ain't they purrrety??

We haven't had a cold winter here for a long time.  Who knows, maybe this will be the year for a real winter.  What would I call a real winter here?  Well, maybe a few mornings of frost.  If you have ever spent any winters up north, the one big difference that you notice about winters down here is that the sun is always hot.  If you can get out of any cold wind, you can sunbathe and not be cold.  Another thing you notice is that it stays light longer in the winter evenings in the south than it does in the north but the days are shorter down here in the summer than they are up there in the north country.  If fact, if you go as far north as you can (the north pole), the sun doesn't set in the summer but barely comes above the horizon in the winter. 

Now, you all take time to smell the posies and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I would probably have to go back to my great grandmother's time to find that type of bloomers! They are no doubt more comfortable than what we wear today!

    1. There were a lot of things more comfortable back in Grandma's day.

  2. My grandma didn't wear them, so we'd have to go back to our great grandmas. Down here, with morning highs in the 40's, all we have to do is wait for the sun to start shining. I have wondered about the fact that the sun down south seems to work better than the sun did up north.

    1. Let's keep the secret of the hotter sun to our selves so all those who still live up where there is ice and snow don't all move down here and crowd us out. . .

  3. Used to make most all my dotter's and my clothes, and when she was little, i would make bloomers for her to wear with the short dresses, same material. They were short tho, not long.

    1. I bet she looked real cute. The pair I have pictured is, I believe, short ones, or do they come shorter? In the pictures I found when I Googled them, most were a lot longer than these.

  4. That begonia is fairly beautiful. Can't think of the flower name right now, but my grandma called it "Everyday Bloomers". This one roots easily in a glass of water, so I kept one alive for many years, long after Grandma was gone.

    Only time I ever saw bloomers like pictured was on an actress in a play. They sure look to be comfortable. Got my thinkin' cap on now.

    1. I got to say that I have never seen bloomers. They were a little before my time, but not by much. BTW, my wife knows the names of flowering plants but I don't. I figure, if you can't eat it why grow it (grin) Typical man, right?
