Sunday, November 9, 2014

Wondering About The Old Porch Swing.

I got a call this afternoon from my cousin who lives in West Virginia.  I always enjoy talking to her and like always, after we got caught up on current happenings, we started reminiscing about the good old days when we were kids.  As I have said before, I was one of the luckiest guys in the world, being born into such a loving, caring family, and I don't just mean my parents.  We all just loved getting together and we did so every chance we could.

Of course it didn't take long to get around to all the evenings that we kids sat on the porch swing and told stories.  To be a little more accurate, I told the stories and they all listened.  They tell me that way back then, I was a pretty good story teller and they all looked forward to "swing" time and stories on the old porch swing.  Did any of you have access to a porch swing when you were young, not that you need to be young to enjoy a porch swing.

I sure enjoyed those times and I am finding out now that I wasn't the only one.  Remembering back to those great times is a great way of spending some time.  Speaking of time, wouldn't it be great to go back to that era when the only thing we had to worry about was thinking up stories or trying not to get scarred from listening to the spooky ones.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I still enjoy the porch swing on the patio. My cats probably use it more than anyone else, but I still enjoy a good swig from time to time.

    1. I sure would love to swing on one of them again, but I am sure it wouldn't be the same now as it was back when I was a kid.

  2. We still like to sit on the porch, but now it is a glider instead of a swing:)

    1. I like gliders, too. The trouble is, I don't have either now.

  3. There was a porch swing from the time we had a porch, i was a young teen. It always had lots on it. Everybody that used it thru the years, has their own now. That's still where we sit.

    1. I miss a porch swing. I guess I am going to have get one, first, I will have to clean my junk off the porch. . . Dang there is always work involved. . .
