Saturday, November 15, 2014

Wondering About the Four North Poles.

Now, I bet you thought that there was only one North Pole and then you saw the title to my post.  What the...???  You probably asked. 
Well, I will just have to explain.  The easiest way is to list them:
1)   The terrestrial North Pole - That is the one located opposite the South Pole on the Earth's axis of spin.
2)    The North Dip Pole - the spot where the geomagnetic field is perpendicular to the Earth's surface.  This is the point your compass points to.
3)    The Geomagnetic North Pole - It is calculated by mathematical models based on an imaginary line running through the geomagnetic center of the Earth.
4)   The fourth one is a city, North Pole, Alaska.  (Yes, I know that is stretching the definition of a pole. .(grin)
OK, that is enough dancing around poles. . . oh yes, that would be a May Pole, right?  Now, have a good weekend, you hear?


  1. I seem to recall a North Pole in New York. Need to look that up:)

    1. There is a theme park, called "The North Pole". And there are towns named North Pole in Alaska, Idaho, New York and Oklahoma.

  2. People have explored the North and the South Poles. I've always wanted to get funding to seek out the East Pole. . .

    1. Isn't that some where in the middle of lake in Maine?? Hey, maybe it is your lake. . .

  3. "Dizzy's Wanderings & Wonderings" has been included in our A Sunday Drive for this week. Be assured that we hope this help to point even more new visitors in your direction.

    1. Thank you, but I am not sure I rank high enough to be associated with those great blogs.

  4. I love today's post. I too am grinning today. A certain celebrity couple named their daughter North West. I thought being a girl her name should have been True North...but when you ad the West at the end it doesn't make sense but when you factor in the parents....

  5. DD, too cold to talk about North Poles lol.

    1. That is for sure. Way too early for it to get this cold.

  6. Visiting from Jerry's site. Nice to meet you. Catherine

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I hope it wasn't a disappointing visit. Please come back again.

  7. But WHICH North Pole is Santa's home at ????
