Friday, November 14, 2014

Wondering About Billy Bob's Boats.

I am wondering about the model boats that Billy Bob is building and painting.  Way back a few years ago, I first met Billy Bob just north of Terlingua, Texas at a crossroads where the Grub Shack used to be located.  That Grub Shack sure made great hamburgers, but I digress.  But even back then Billy Bob was building model boats.  Here is the model he had been working on back then:

I had my RV parked at BJ's RV park a few miles west on 170 from 118.  When I found out that Billy Bob was fairly close, I just had to go meet him, and I did.  Sure glad I got that chance and I also got that picture of him holding that river boat.

Now, I see from his blog, that he is building another boat.  This one is a tug boat and can be remotely controlled.  So far, it is looking pretty sharp, don't you think?  Just look how the black paint on the hull shines!!
Now, if you want to read more of Billy Bob's adventures, got here:

Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I think the tug boat is looking great. I would never have the patience to build something like that, so I doubly admire someone who does.

    1. I was never into building models of any kind. I am like you, don't have the patience and yes I admire his work.

  2. Replies
    1. Like I said above in my reply to Gypsy, I haven't built very many models, in fact, I can't remember any, but I must have when I was young boy.

  3. Those small boats are almost as much work as building a big one. He has good attention to detail.

    1. Yes, he does a really good job on them. I do know that he tried out the first one and it floated.

  4. My x built planes, and when he flew em, they'd crash. Don't think he ever repaired them.

    1. After awhile that would become quite an expensive hobby.
