Thursday, October 9, 2014

Wondering Where The Day Went.

I have been going strong since real early this morning.  One time, I was hurrying so fast that I met myself going around a corner.  I had lots of things to do, places to go, things to get, and then my wife put me to work on one of her new projects.  Woooo, it is time to slow down enough to try and post something so you all don't think I died  or something.  At my age, that is always a possibility.  To add to the hectic part of the day, the power went out for awhile.

Tomorrow may be just as hectic, but maybe not.  Guess I will have to wait and see.  Got a few things planned and I think my wife has some more stuff for me to make for her.  Now, I am going to sit on the couch with my oldest dog and watch TV for a couple of hours and then head off to bed.  First, I got to go out and bring in the bird feeders.  If I don't, those dang coons get into them and they are big and strong enough to cause some damage.

You all have a great day now (what's left of it), you hear? 


  1. Ya know you could have added some spices an' herbs to your post. What did you do all day????

    1. Went out to find stuff we needed and stuff for my wife's hobby project. Spent most of the day making stuff for her project. I will tell you all about her project if it works out. I have a lot more to do on it. Looked simple, but turned into more than I thought. I just don't have the right tools for the job. Really could have used a drill press.

  2. Hope your day is not as busy tomorrow unless of course you want it to be.

    1. Only think on the list is getting my RV inspected, and that fell through.

  3. Agree with BB,, what were all these things you were doing? Wife's new project? ETC.
