Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wondering About Some Weird Facts

I found an ancient fact that I think should be the norm for today.  It said that in ancient China, doctors could only get paid if their patient was cured. . . If the patients' health deteriorated, the doctor would have to pay the patient.  Now, doesn't that sound like a splendid idea?

Of course, in the 1800's, you would face the death penalty if you attempted suicide and failed.  It was nice of the government to lend a helping hand, wasn't it?

They say that there is a sign at Rim Drive, Durango, CO, that states "Do Not Hit This Sign".

OK, I didn't have time to do a blog today.  It was dog grooming day, and we had to go shopping for some needed things.  Then I got home and got involved in a project.  I will try to do better tomorrow, but as we all know, tomorrows never seem to come. . .

Have a great day, you hear?


  1. The sign at Durango was worth reading the blog!

    1. I guess sign makers have a sense of humor, too.

  2. I wonder just how effective the sign was. I like the idea of the doctors and patients in China. Reckon it would work here?

    1. I would have a lot more money if the doctors were made to pay the patients if they couldn't help.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That's the sort of medical plan I want. Now we pay insurance, get sick, and pay some more. And we call this progress? :)

    1. I agree!! Sometimes the ancients were smarter than the systems we have today.

  5. Seems like a fine and fun post to me, Dizzy. And I'm all for the Chinese medical practice ~ isn't it funny that it's called a "practice" when it's supposed to save a life?

    1. Yes, finally I have heard an advertisement for a hospital that says "We don't practice medicine, we use it", or something like that.

  6. My comment didn't post... will check later to see if it just got lost in space temporarily.

  7. Replies
    1. Glad you thought so. I found those facts interesting, myself.

  8. Don't know what happened to my comment..... Just wanted to add that we get a real kick out of signs... like the ones that say... Damaged Guardrail Ahead.... why didn't they just fix it? And who cares anyway? And another one is all the ways different towns ask truckers not to use their jake brake..... and not a highway sign, but one of my favorites..... Tattoos done while you wait...... Hey, there's entertainment everywhere!

    1. When driving my RV, I disregard those signs. I especially like to use my Jake (Exhaust) Brake in towns. Sure saves on the brake pads. Another place is long steep hills with a curve at the bottom.

  9. This was a good post. Failure is rewarded? Interesting
