Thursday, October 16, 2014

Wondering If Hit Men Make Mistakes?

I don't know any hit men and don't want to know any.  But they are a fact of life, although a disgusting, cruel, dark side.  I do not know why anybody would stoop low enough to want someone killed and worse would be the hitman hired by these people to do their dirty work.  They have no personal interest in the victim except for the money they get to do the nasty crime.  The good ones are nameless and faceless:

I am wondering if they ever make mistakes.  Sure they do!!  Everyone makes mistakes and they are no different.  For example, a hitman was hired to do away with a Mary Morris.  He faithfully carried out his task, but then found out that there was another Mary Morris.  So, like any reputable hitman would do, he killed the other one, also, just to make sure that he got the right one.  Here is a picture of the two Mary Morrises.  The one on the left is Mary Lou and the one on the right is Mary McGinnis and both share the last name of Morris:
So, just because you have no enemies, don't feel too safe.  A stupid hitman may just make a mistake, they are only human, you know, although on the very bottom of  humanity's list.  Keep looking over your shoulder but I know you bloggers would not be on any hit list, so relax and have a great day, you hear?


  1. That was different... like the 1st Terminator movie going thru the phone book in order to all the Sara Conner(s).

    1. Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. Maybe it could be made into a great mystery movie. . .(grin)

  2. A hit man with a work ethic. Not good at all.

  3. I don't think I ever knew any hit men, but I sure met a lot of men who tried to hit on me!

  4. How did "they" figure out that a hitman was killing off the Mary's? I read a lot of mysteries/thrillers and as much as I like the genre, I dislike any kind of inhumanity to man (or critter)..... Say... who do you think did in Jimmy Hoffa?

    1. I did find it on the Internet. Google is my best friend and advisor (grin). Jimmy Hoffa!! Wow, I remember when he disappeared. There was a lot of finger pointing for sure, but does anyone alive today know what really happened to him?

  5. A girl told me that her uncle had raped her when she was 13, but she couldn't ever tell her mom, she would have hired a hit man for sure. He was a lawman. I could never tell it either. Yeah, have friends in low places.

    1. I don't think you should have let him get away with it, lawman or not.

  6. I once had a man volunteer to BE a hitman for me. Honest. In this day and age, we now have internet hitmen. Without killing me, one of them works overtime to make my life a living hell on earth.

    1. I guess there is more than one way to be a hitman.
