Friday, October 17, 2014

Wondering About Tom Poston.

I used to watch the Bob Newhart Show and I really enjoyed the characters on it.  Remember the three brothers with my brother Daryl and my other brother Daryl?  They always made me laugh.  Then there was the handyman, George, played by Tom Poston.  I thought he was best.  His character was sort of slow but always seemed to come up with just the right comment for the situation.

He performed in Regional Theater, Broadway, film, and starred in Television and was also guest stars on many other TV shows.  Not only was he a great character actor he was a great man.  He enlisted in the Air Corps when the US joined the Allied Forces in 1941 as a Buck Private.  Would you believe that he left the Service a Captain and had had an Oak Leaf Cluster of medals?  Well he did.  He was a real life hero.

He could make an expression that left no doubt that he was surprised or upset:

But I always remember him smiling:

He was born on this date back in 1921 and passed away at age 85.  He had a full acting career and I hope he also had a full and happy life.  Now you all keep on smiling and have a great day, you hear?


  1. It sounds as if he did have a full and happy life. I vaguely remember Poston although I really didn't watch the Bob Newhart show often. Newhart's style just didn't appeal to me all that much. Maybe if I saw it again I would react differently.

    1. I thought that Tom and the three brothers made the show.

  2. Replies
    1. It is hard to believe that he has been gone that long. He passed in 2007.

  3. Oh, I loved Bob Newhart and Tom Poston! Their comedic style was not frenetic. Plus, they seemed more cerebral than most. They were two great men and comedians.

    1. I agree, and when you got both of them together, it just seemed to click.

  4. Never have watched much TV.... I think if there was one show I wish I'd have seen it would be "Saturday Night Live"... but just never was up late enough.

    1. I use to watch it years ago, but got tired of it after a couple of years and a after a change in cast members.
