Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wondering, "Speak of the Devil"

According to, the phase, "speak of the devil (and in he walks), and Talk of the devil (and he is sure to  appear), is a popular phase used when someone you are talking about appears.

No, I don't mean a real devil!!

In yesterdays blog I talked about a friend and took some pictures off the Internet of him.  I said that since I didn't have any pictures that we took of him, I was going to have to correct that this coming weekend when we go to the flea market and usually see him.  Well, speak of the Devil, he showed up yesterday to give some books to us.  What a coincidence!!  That gave us the opportunity to get a picture as we sat in the RV and chatted.  My wife snapped one of Rich and me.  Of course I am the old, grey guy on the left and he is the young handsome guy on the right: 

Got to run, today is dog grooming day and we have to have all three of them down there at 09:00 this morning, so we must start getting ready.  We had a great day yesterday and I want you all to have a great day today, you hear?


  1. Lol that is great!,,, i left another comment for you on your last post. About the DJs.

  2. I think you both look pretty handsome!

    1. You better get your eyes checked, I am old, ugly, and getting worse by the day.

  3. That is a nice picture of you both.

    1. It would have been nicer without me, but thanks anyway.

  4. nice picture! nice RV! great explanation of Speak of the devil ... ha!

    1. Thanks, just remember, I didn't say he was a devil. . (grin)

  5. That is one good lookin' man. And so is the one on the right.

    1. Aw gee thanks, lotta joy. You have done your good deed for today.

  6. I sometimes wonder how much is "coincidence" and how much of our life is really determined by a higher power....

    1. Good question. Too many things that have happened in my life can only be explained by a higher power.
