Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Wondering About a Friend.

Remember my posting back on August 12th about the guitar I purchased?  If not, here is a link to that post: http://dizzydick.blogspot.com/2014/08/wondering-about-guitar.html
Well today, I am going to tell you a little bit about the fellow I purchased it from and how I met him.  Yes, of course this all leads back to that Flea Market! (grin)  In my header picture you can see the Jeep that I pull behind my motorhome.  Well, that Jeep is the how we first met.   You see, I spotted his jeep parked at the Flea Market and I parked right beside it to confuse the issue and then noticed that he had dogs in it.  Now this guy must be alright, he has the same taste in vehicles as I do and he is a "dog person".  Anyway, we finally met him and he became a friend.

When we first met he couldn't believe that we didn't know who he was.  You see, he was a radio personality who has been on both the Huntsville and the Conroe (KSTAR) radio stations.  I believe he was also affiliated with a Nashville station because he did work there and personally knows a lot of the stars.  In fact, he even offered to get the guitar I bought from him signed by some stars the next time he goes back to Nashville.  I told him that was not necessary.

Back to the point of this blog.  Here are some pictures of our friend that I found on the Internet.  The first two are at KSTAR:
I don't know who the girl is in this picture but must have something to do with the radio station:

This last picture is a better representation of the Rich I know.  And again, I have no idea who the other person in the picture is.

Now that I have introduced him to all of you, he can be your friend, too.  While writing this blog, I realized that I have never taken a picture of him.  I guess next weekend that oversight will be corrected.  Now, you all listen to some country or bluegrass music and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Really nice blog and wonderful you post daily, that is hard work. I just saw my favorite guitarist, Rickey Godfrey, who relocated to Nashville, but he still travels back to SC to play where his fan base is. He is blind since birth and fought the SC school system to let him into a regular high school when they were trying to force him to stay at the Blind and Deaf school. He is very independent and a super talented musician. If you're back in Nashville, look him up. He writes, sings, plays and has a few albums out.

    1. I never heard of Rickey Godfrey. I guess he doesn't play old country or blue grass, which is about all I listen to. My satellite radio sets on the bluegrass station.

  2. We met a man at a club here, and he was a really famous dj too. Barry Kaye. He was impressed that we weren't,, lol. Became a good friend.

    1. Since he works at the same radio station that my friend did, I bet they do know each other. I will have to ask him.

    2. WOW small world...lol
      His dream was to own property here, so he bought a spread a few miles W of here, went to work at a gas station in Mason for min wage, lives in the hunting cabin on it. Now he's DJing for the local radio station there...I googled him, and was amazed at his popularity, awards.

  3. I no longer park next to the same type of vehicle.

    In '92 I was driving an '86 VW bus and we stopped at the Cass Lake visitors center (by the lake) in Minnesota. There was another Vanagon parked & those were few & far between so I parked next to it, two of them together looked neat!
    We went in and did the visitor's center stuff, when we came out that other Vanagon was gone & so were all the window molding connectors from my Vanagon.
    That low life no good #$%^#@!&*^%$# had swiped mine!
    I stopped parking next to the same type vehicle after that.

    1. It takes all kinds. Those kind of people we could live without.

  4. I don't know anyone famous... but since I don't go to movies and haven't had a TV in nearly 40 years I could park right next to them and never know who they were. We're between Memphis and Nashville tonight.. maybe the proximity of famous folks will be enough....

    1. This fellow stopped by a little while ago for a visit. He showed me lots of pictures on his phone of famous people. But, l didn't recognize any of them either. But he explained who they were.

  5. I love bluegrass, but it doesn't have to be anyone famous singing or playing.

    1. I leave the SiriusXM Radio set on the bluegrass channel and play it all night long. It serenades me to sleep and it is nice to wake up to it playing in the morning.
