Thursday, September 4, 2014

Wonderig About Elsie.

Yes, I am wondering about Elsie.  No, she ain't a long lost love or even an old acquaintance.  She is a cow!!  Yep, I am wondering about Elsie, the Borden's trade mark.  Here is a picture of Elsie in case you forgot what she looked like:

My wife really likes Elsie and is quite pleased every time she spots here.  It seems that Elsie must like my wife, too, because she always seems to show up when we head for town.  In fact, my wife spotted Elsie again today when we went to town for supplies.  It is only about seven miles into town, but my wife usually spots Elsie some where on that short trip, either going in to town or returning home.

As you can see from the above photo, Elsie likes yellow daisies.  I think they are daisies, aren't they?  If you think the flowers are something else, let me know.

Actually, this is where she spots Elsie on these short trips to town:
 My wife must not be the only one who likes Elsie.  They even have pins with Elsie's picture on it:
Now I must admit that we don't use very many of her products.  My wife can not drink milk nor eat milk products so she doesn't help support Elsie, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't like her.  I eat Blue Bell ice cream, so that doesn't help, either.  But, my wife gets a kick out seeing Elsie on the side of those trucks.  Now you all eat and drink your dairy products and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I wonder if Borden is still 'just' a dairy company?

    1. It use to make pasta, bakery products, jams, jellies, etc. So, no, it never was just a dairy company.

  2. I reckon Elsie is one of the most recognized mascots or icons there have been over the years. Been seeing her since I was a kid!

    1. Elsie was first introduced in 1937, so she has been around for a long, long time, especially in cow years.

  3. When we first moved to Del Rio we had an actual Borden's milkman. Mr.Gulick, was our milkman until he retired.

    Enjoyed ice cream, milk, cream and I think orange juice.

    1. I remember the "good old days" when we, too, had a milkman. But it wasn't Elsie.

  4. The "real" Elsie shows up every year for the Thanksgiving parade in downtown Houston, and today's kids love her just as much as we did and still do. She doesn't look much like her publicity shot, no pearls or Little-Debbie-cake-roll looking curl on her forehead, but she does have long eyelashes and a daisy necklace. If you watch the parade on tv, you might see her.
    Good post, good memories - thanks!

    1. I didn't know Elsie was in that parade. I will have to watch for her, thanks for letting me know.

    2. "Little-Debbie-cake-roll looking curl on her forehead"

      Texasann, I laughed so hard when I read this but it is true. This is the most accurate description I have ever seen of her hairdo....jajajajajaja :D

  5. As a kid I loved Elsie and one Christmas I got a stuffed toy... Beauregard, Elsie's calf. I see Elsie occasionally on a passing Bordon's Truck, but haven't heard about Beauregard in years and years. (My Beauregard had to be destroyed because my brother had it in his room while he was quarantined for scarlet fever).

    1. Oh poor Beauregard!! He paid the ultimate price for being your brother's friend.

  6. Love Elsie too, but,, can't remember Beauregard... Pics plz.
