Friday, September 5, 2014

Request for More Elsie Pictures.

I got a comment on yesterday's blog to post more pictures.  That request came from one of my long time readers, Trouble (at ).  OK Troublentx, I will post more pictures about Elsie and her family.  You do remember the rest of her family, don't you?

Elsie's husband was named Elmer, and here are a picture of the loving couple:

And of course their little boy bull named Beauregard:

There are even ceramic and porcelain figurines of Elsie and Beauregard: 

OK Trouble, that is about all I have to show you.  Hope it made you happy.

My wife just told me that there was a daughter, too.  Her name was Beulah.  Here is a picture of the whole family:

On a different subject.  When I took my garbage cans down to the road this morning, my neighbor came out and handed me a letter from my auto insurance company.  I knew immediately that this was a problem.  The mailman put it in their mailbox because I do not have a mailbox at the road, I get my mail at a post office box at the Cut & Shoot post office.  It was a cancellation notice.  For some unknown reason, they sent my bills to my physical address instead of my mailing address.  Called them and got that all straightened out.  I usually don't give my physical address to businesses because I don't want mail lost.  The other notices must have been discarded by the mailman.  This did not make for a happy morning, but I finally got things straightened out and they emailed me a proof of insurance and things are now right in the world. . . at least for a few minutes or so.  Now, you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. You sure brought a smile to my face... seeing the happy family!... and that's no bull! I loved my Beauregard, - he must have been a new item on the market that year because I think my brother got scarlet fever in February, 1949. Now... do you remember the Campbell Soup kids? I had twin dolls who looked a lot like the Cupie Dolls (remember those?)... don't know what year but believe it was before Beauregard.

    1. Oh yes, I remember the Campbell Soup Kids. They were not allowed in our house since my Dad sold for Heinz (grin - just kidding, but my Dad was a Heinz salesman).

    2. Oh yes, I added a picture of the whole Elsie family, including the daughter.

  2. Is your house pretty far away from the road? I wonder if you might be better off just having your mail delivered. I miss the old days when the mailman walked from house to house, in the city of course. Glad you got your insurance straightened out.

    1. Yes, my house is a long way from the road. I can not see the end of my driveway where it meets the main road. It makes too many bends through the thick trees. I would say my house is about a quarter of a mile back off the road. I only have about 12 acres but only 60 feet of road frontage.

  3. Wasn't Elmer sold to the glue factory? :-)
    All humor aside, some years back the TV network weather guy Willard Scott who gave special recognition to folks 100 years & older was talking about the biggest change in the lives of those folks.
    It was RFD, rural free delivery, where the mailman brought the mail to your box outside the town.

    1. Yes, I would have to agree with them. BTW, I just love the RFDTV channel and watch it a lot. Now I hear that the FCC is thinking about cancelling their license (or what ever it takes to be on the air). I, for one, will miss all the great music shows on that channel.

  4. LOVE those, and thanks! DD. I do NOT remember Beulah, but all the names sound familiar. So somewhere they're in my memory.

    1. Glad to be of service. Like I said in the blog, I didn't know there was a Beulah until my wife told me, so I had to look it up, and sure enough she was right. I guess I have to learn that my wife is always right. . .

  5. You have a good neighbor. Imagine if he or she had not given you the cancellation notice?

    We have a P.O. Box in town because the mailman does not deliver to our house which is located in the county. If mail comes to our street address we never receive it. Have told that to everyone we deal with and yet sometimes they continue to use our physical address.

    Glad you got everything straighten out. What would we do without e-mail?

    1. Yes, am glad she took the trouble to give it to me.
