Wednesday, September 10, 2014

This Blog Is For the Birds.

I looked up the phrase "for the birds" and it means "worthless; undesirable".  Well, sometimes my blog is that, but I hope you all don't think it is always worthless.  This blog is "for the birds"; real birds, that is.  And not just any bird, but one of the smallest and fastest birds I know of, the humming bird.

They are fantastic and beautiful little birds.  My wife and I really enjoy watching them.  I took some pictures later in the day yesterday of the hummingbirds at our feeder that is just outside the kitchen window.  I thought that you would enjoy looking at them.  Just before I started to write this blog, there were six of them sitting on the feeder at one time.  No, I didn't try to take a picture, just enjoyed watching them.  OK, here are some pictures:

I didn't explain every picture as I usually do because, well, they are self explanatory.
These small birds are extra-ordinary for sure.  Their brilliant color is not from pigmentation.  It is caused by iridescence.  It seems the feathers are arranged in a manner that causes this affect and it is enhanced by light level and moisture, among other things.  Did you know that they cannot walk or hop?  They can only scoot sideways while they are perched.  Since they are in the air most of the time, they have small feet and these feet were not made for walking.  And did you know that a nickel weighs more than a ruby-throated hummingbird?
They do seem to be able to fly really fast, darting here and there so quickly, but actually, their top speed is only 30 miles per hour, unless they are in a steep dive and then can double that speed.  Their heart beats more than 1200 beats per minute and even at rest, they take an average of 250 breaths per minute.  What amazes me is how such a small bird can fly non-stop across the Gulf of Mexico from Florida to either Mexico or South America.
I could go on and on about these super little birds, but I don't want to bore you so will say, you all have a great day, you hear?



  1. Love the pics, i think everybody loves those. I never put out feeders, but they feed on my flowers, shrubs. Planted those for hummingbirds, butterflies.

  2. I will never tire of hearing about or watching hummingbirds. I can't help but smile when I see one.

    1. They are lovely little birds and quite active. They make me smile, too.

  3. We really do enjoy hummers. I was surprised to see two sharing the same feeder. Love the colors.

    1. I have seen up to six on the same feeder but for only a short time. Then they chase each other off the feeders and around the yard.

  4. I, too, love the hummers. Will yours stay all winter? It's so hard to get a good photo of them... you did good!

    1. I don't know if some of them will stay or continue on down to Mexico and S.A. Thanks for saying I did good. I only have a 3x zoom camera. I need one of those that zoom 33X. Saw a Cannon in Wal-Mart that was 33X and less than two hundred buck (not much less). Thinking about getting it. What do you think?

    2. Diz... I'm kind of a Canon-loyal person. Don't think you can go wrong.. and WOW! my little Canon Power shot only has 14X zoom and I think it's pretty good. Sounds good to me... did you check it out on Amazon reviews or Consumer reports? One great thing about digital cameras these days is they just keep getting better and cost less!

  5. I miss hummingbirds and thought Florida would have plenty. Then I got extremely excited when I saw some rather ugly ones hovering in my garden. I phoned my sister in Indiana to describe the dull gray hummers when she said "Those are called "hummingbird MOTHS". poop

    1. It is like a humming bird invasion here. I have never seen anything like it. For some unknown reason, they must have taken a break here on their migration. Maybe they will decide to stay?
