Friday, September 12, 2014

Got It Back

OK, it was about time, but I finally got it back.  It has been gone for months and months and months.  My motorhome is what I am talking about.  It has been in the shop way too long.  It took about three months just for them to get the compartment doors in.  I guess my rig is so old that no one keeps them in stock, so they had to be custom made.  It is a 2005 model.

I drove the Jeep over on the other side of town to where the RV repair place was located.  Yep, it was finally done except for a couple of small things I spotted and they fixed those on the spot.  I then paid my bill and got all the stuff out of the back of the Jeep to hook it up to the RV.  Everything went smoothly except for the heat and humidity.  It was so humid you could reach out and close your fist and ring water out of the air.  I was soaked though and through by the time I got ready to bring her home.

While I was hooking up the Jeep, of course I first fired up the generator and the main engine so I could run both overhead ACs and the AC from the engine.  By the time I was ready to go, it was nice and cool in the coach.  Got in and ready to come home and I noticed that the fuel gauge said it was empty.  Oh well, they are never empty until the gauge goes under the empty mark, right?  I could tell it was quite low because when I made a turn the gauge would bounce up and then down again.  There was enough in there to slosh around, but I did fill it up before getting home.  It only took 64 gallons and it has a 100 gallon tank.  Guess the gauge is wrong or the tank is smaller than I thought.  That made my day, and I got home before any rain hit.  You all have a good day, today, you hear? 


  1. WoooHoooo! Where are you going to head off to?

  2. Fort davis is cooler now! Wish I was there! Another two weeks and I might get to rolllllllllllllllll.

    1. How much cooler? I really enjoyed my last stay there. Saw lots of wildlife, even a bear came to visit.

  3. Now that the fuel tank is topped off, fix you some bologna and cheese sandwiches and a jug of sweet tea, let the little dogs hang their heads out the window, let the wife call out the navigations, Turn left right here! and proceed on down the road, Happy Motoring!

  4. I know how good it feels to get a rig back after it's been in the shop way too long. Enjoy! Cool here today. 30s tonight. Leaves are starting to change color.

    1. It has been so long, I forgot what it looked like. . .

  5. So happy for you! Finally your baby is home!

    1. Yep, now to convince the wife we need to go somewhere. She prefers to stay at home.

  6. Glad you finally got her home! Now you'll have to spend the night out there at least!

    1. Would like to do that, but I will have to move my one oxygen machine out there and it is really heavy and I think I will wait until it is packed, ready to go. I had to take everything out of it when I took it in to the shop.

  7. I'm one of those people where the gas thing would bother the heck out of me until I got it figured out.

    Glad you got it back in time to make the trip to Texas for the winter! Oops, you're already in Texas! Never mind.... :)

    1. It cooled off today into the 80's because of a little rain and clouds, but the humidity went way up. Yep, we are in Texas. I guess the next trip I will have to check the mileage. I may not want to know. It has a big old Caterpillar engine and a diesel generator, too. That generator sure can use up the fuel, too.

  8. That was a long time. Glad it is back where it belongs:)

    1. Yes, it sure good to look out and see it there. I plugged it into my 50 amp plug and turned on both ACs to make sure it is all dried out. I guess now I will have to start putting all the things back in it that we always carry.

  9. Glad you got your rig back. If nothing else, a weekend away to visit a different flea market or two?

    1. My wife would like to set up and sell some of our extra stuff at the flea market and we will take the RV and stay in it for the entire weekend. Once before we did that, and parked the rig there on Friday night and came home Monday morning. I would prefer to wait until cooler weather.

  10. Glad your rig is finally home. Now you are ready to go to the Chili cook-off...stop by and pick me up :)

    1. That is one time of year I stay clear of Terlingua. . (grin)

  11. Cant believe yall werent packing it in and leaving that minute. AND it cooled off! lmao,,, it was 59, well, still is.

    1. Ain't this cool front great? Love it!!

      Don't have any immediate plans for a trip. Do want to get back out to the Davis Mountains sometime soon.

  12. If you generator was running that should have told you that the gauge was wrong. Maybe diesel generators are different but I thought they would not run if there was less than 1/4 of a tank remaining.

    1. I know my class-C gas powered motorhome was like that. The Generator would shut off when the tank got low so that it wouldn't strand you in the boonies without fuel. The generator did quit just before I got to the gas station, but I thought it was because it hadn't been run for a long time. I am sure you are right and it was the fuel level.
