Monday, August 25, 2014

Wondering Why Some Push Their Luck.

Did you ever notice that when some people accomplish something a little special, they think that they can do anything?  Or if someone wins a couple of bucks on a slot machine, they will spend all their winnings and trying to hit it again saying, "heck, I hit it once I should be able to do it again".  That gambler only risked his money, but some risk their lives.  Here is a case in point:

On this day back in 1875, a 27-year old Englishman named Matthew Webb, successfully swam the English Channel.  He was the first known person to do so.  He should have stopped there, but the success must have went to his head and he believed his swimming powers could defeat any body of water.  He, his wife and his children, came to the U.S.A and he planned to swim the stretch of river below Niagara Falls which had very dangerous rapids and a huge whirlpool.  He had it all figured out in his own mind.  But, the river had other ideas.

He was doing quite well until the river narrowed and then he was caught in the rapids.  He would be dragged under the surface three times and then bob up hundreds of feet from where he went under.  On down a ways he came upon the huge whirlpool.  It sucked him in and he disappeared.  After seconds, minutes and hours passed, and he didn't come up, they figured he had disappeared for ever and would never be found again.  Not so, five days later a fisherman found Matthew's gashed and bruised and dead body.  The whirlpool had held him for quite a long time before spitting him out.  I guess Mr. Webb pushed his luck just a little too far.  In fact, I think he pushed it way too far, what do you think?  Now, don't any of you push your luck too far, but have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. I hope the ones you know lasted longer than this guy.

  2. What an interesting read, Dizzy ... you do come up with some good stuff... I think people with that kind of mindset have a need to feel alive and that's the only way they know how ... by pushing 'it'...

    1. Yes, there are lots of people like that, but some just push "it" way too far.

  3. I betcha a dollar I can jump the Grand Canyon on a motorcycle.
    Oh wait....nevermind!!

    1. Is your real name Evil Knievel? You can do better than him, you can jump in on your Billy Bike.

  4. I once was sitting beside an idiot playing the slot machines. He had just hit for $500 and was desperately throwing all of it back into the machine saying "I just know it's going to hit!" I said: "Maybe it DID hit..... for $500."

    I would have been doing the riverdance and running for the exit.

    1. Oh, but it is going to hit again, and this time for lots more. . .

  5. As Clint Eastwood said, (maybe it was Dirty Harry), "a man gots to know his limitations".

    1. You mean the sky ain't the limit??? Oh well, I know I got a lot more limitations now than I ever had.

  6. Replies
    1. Yes, knowing our limitations is the safe way to go.
