Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Wondering About Stilts.

I had a pair of stilts when I was a boy.  They were pretty tall and I had to stand on the porch steps to get on them.  Boy, did I feel like I was getting up in the world while walking around on those stilts.  I was pretty good at it, too.  They were home made, I believe, but I don't remember who made them for me.  It may have been my dad, but it also may have been one of my uncles.  My memory is a little sketchy on who made them, but I would bet it was my Uncle Bub.

Stilts come in all shapes and sizes.  Some are worn by workers who are painting ceilings or have to reach high places for their work.  Here is a vintage picture of a girl and a boy on their stilts. 

This next picture is also a vintage picture, but this fellow is using stilts to reach wires that need repaired.

Not only did workers use stilts back in the "good old days", they still use them today.  Of course, they are of a more modern design:

I really loved the pair of stilts that I had.  They were very similar to the ones in this picture:
Although mine were a little more embellished, they were of the basic design as shown above.  I had a lot of fun on those stilts.  Now, I am wondering why it was so much fun?  Have any of you ever had stilts?  If so, tell us about them and if, you too, thought that they were a lot fun.  Now I hope you all get up in the world and have a great day, too, you hear?


  1. That's something I never had, nor did my 5 brothers after me. Does it take long to get your balance? They look dangerous to me!

    1. I had no trouble with them back then. Haven't tried to get on any stilts for many, many years.

  2. My cousins and myself had stilts when we were young. must have been 13 or 14 years old. had a great time with them. We had some that wrer tall and some that were medium high. Thet looked like the picture you posted. It seems that it was easy to walk on them. Great memories.

    1. Yep, seeing pictures of them sure did bring back old memories for me and glad my post brought back some for you.

  3. Yeah, our Dad made us stilts too. Like the ones you posted. Made those Y shaped shooters,, LOL, cant say that word on here. I got pretty good with them,,, shot my thumb once,, that's all it took to teach me NOT to.

    1. Our generation didn't have computer games and a lot of electronics, so we found other fun ways to entertain ourselves. Stilts was one way and sling shots were another.

    2. lolol yeah that's what you call it...
